Page 6 of In Too Deep
“So,” he finally said. “You’re enrolled at the university?”
“I am.”
“Still swimming?”
“I am.”
“What’s your major?”
“Marine biology,” I answered. “You?”
He seemed to shrink a little. He looked away and shrugged. “I don’t think college is for me.”
“Interesting.” I didn’t mean to sound condescending, but I’m pretty sure he took it that way. Who am I kidding… It came out exactly as I intended it to. Rob was an egotistical prick in high school. I got some deranged sense of satisfaction knowing that he was a delivery boy for a Chinese takeout place.
My remark didn’t put him off.
He was a guy, and guys think with their dicks.
Boy, was he barking up the wrong tree.
He cleared his throat and tried again. The big smile came back. He said, “You look great. Not that you didn’t look good in high school. I mean, you looked good then, but you look great now.”
“Thanks. I think.” It was all I could do to keep my eyes from rolling.
I turned to look toward the kitchen. What the heck was taking them so long?
He shoved his hands in his pockets and puffed out his chest. He reminded me of a peacock with no tail feathers.
He said, “If you’re not too busy, we could, you know, go out sometime.”
Was that his was of asking me out on a date? Pretty lame, even for an ex-jock who know delivered rice and noodles for a living.
“I’m usually super busy,” I said, head nodding. “What with swimming and studying and looking great and all. But thanks.”
He was about to say something, but the woman behind the counter shoved a huge paper sack of food across the counter and ordered him to hit the streets.
He managed a week “see ya” and picked up the sack and huffed out the front door. What a loser…
Call me a bitch, but I got my food and left the restaurant, not the least bit remorseful for having turned Rob down flat.
It was better to do that than to keep his hopes up and then leave him hanging. At least that’s how I resolved it in my brain.
I headed home, the smell of the Chinese food filling my tiny car. It just made my stomach growl louder.
I reached into the bag, tore open one of the boxes, and plucked out an egg roll.
It was steaming hot, but I bit into it anyway and chewed with my mouth open.
I suddenly remembered that I’d promised my dad that morning that I would pick up a box of his favorite donuts for his breakfast over the weekend.
I was going to pass our favorite donut place on the way home, so I would just stop in and grab a dozen. Or two.
As I pulled into the lot, I realized the new Mexican restaurant Christina had talked about was right beside the donut shop.
That fact almost made me skip the donuts, but I’d promised dad. I’d just duck in and duck out quickly. What were the odds I’d run into Christina and the others from the team?