Page 73 of Killer
“Be nice,” I warn.
“I’m always nice,” he drawls in his sexy voice. The one that after ten years together still gets me hot and bothered in less than three seconds flat.
“Love you.”
“Love you too.” The phone clicks off and I grin, a silly, stupid, lovestruck grin. Why wouldn’t I? I have everything.
I shut down my computer and head into the main area of the gym.
“Bye!” I look up to see Roxie heading out the front door.
“See you Monday, Roxie.” I wave as she leaves.
Left alone in the huge space, I put a few things back where they belong and turn off a few lights. When Gabriel retired a few years ago, he asked if I wanted to take his place as head trainer. After five years of fighting and winning three AFL Championships, I was ready to spend more time at home and less time training and traveling to fights.
The door to the gym opens and footsteps pound on the cement floor, echoing in the warehouse-like space.
Two colorful blurs dash across the mats and leap on top of me. I pretend to be knocked over and fall to the padded ground. “Oh no, you took me down!”
“That’s because my takedowns are the best, Daddy.”
“Nuh-uh! Mine are. Besides, my arm bar is better than yours!”
The two boys begin bickering so I hold up my hands. Instantly, two sets of eyes focus on me and the noise stops.
“You’re both excellent fighters, okay?”
They seem to think that over for a minute.
“Okay, Daddy,” says Gabriel, my oldest, who is almost eight.
Not only is my son named after the only man to ever believe in me, a man who has become a father to me, but my little Gabriel really is an angel like his namesake. Britt and I were both having a hard time working through our pasts when we found out she was unexp
ectedly pregnant less than two years after we met, pushing me into finally getting the courage to give Britt the diamond ring I had stashed in my sock drawer for several months.
Something about creating a new life, being parents, sparked our determination to move on from our pain. To live how Kinsey would have wanted. I can’t bring my sister back. I can only accept the gift she gave me by saving Britt, honor her by being a good man. A good husband. A good father. Everything our parents weren’t.
“I don’t know. I still say I’m better than Gabe,” Lucas pipes in. At five, he doesn’t understand the concept of losing or good sportsmanship, but I’m working on it.
“No you’re not!” Gabe shouts.
“Lucas, you are both very talented and I’m proud of you.” I get up and haul them with me, one in each arm so they don’t start grappling right then and there.
“Hey! You guys coming?”
Britt is leaning in the doorway, trying to hold on to the wiggling pink bundle in her arms.
“We’re coming.” I put the boys down so they can race each other to the car and shake my head. Everything is a competition with those two. Literally everything. Who can eat faster, who can jump higher, who knows more superhero trivia. It never ends.
I flip off the final lights and crowd Britt against the doorframe, giving her a sweet but lingering kiss. “And how is my gorgeous wife?”
“Ready to eat,” she says, giving me a wink that lets me know she’s not thinking about food.
“Daddy!” Two chubby hands reach out for me. Backing away from Britt, I sweep our daughter into my arms, making loud raspberries against her soft neck. She squeals in delight, the sound going straight to my heart.