Page 40 of Deviant King (Royal Elite 1)
I don’t know if he hates or loves it, but I don’t give him or myself time to think about it.
I lift my knee and hit him in the crotch. Hard. As hard as I can.
His face contorts and his hands shoot out for me, but I duck and run past him.
A huge grin pulls on my face.
I just kneed Aiden fucking King in the balls!
Chapter Seven
I kicked Aiden in the balls.
I kicked Aiden fucking King in the balls.
My feet skid to a halt at the threshold of the classroom.
I’m panting.
My hands are sweaty.
The wave of adrenaline vanishes from my system, leaving a tremor in my limbs.
My shoulders shake with suppressed laughter. If I didn’t worry that my classmates would start calling me a lunatic, I would’ve laughed so loud right now.
I want to run, jump, and bump fists with myself.
It’s a strange type of freedom that I haven’t felt in like… ever.
I was always quiet and introverted, but right now? I feel like I can punch the moon and kick the stars.
With a deep breath, I push my shoulders back and stride into the classroom with my head held high.
Some snickers and ‘Frozen’ remarks get thrown in my direction, but they’re like white-noise.
These little minions can give me their freaking best and it wouldn’t matter.
I just kicked their king. In the nuts.
I’m smiling inwardly when my gaze falls on the other three demons.
Cole is sitting at his desk, reading his physics book. Xander sits on the top of the desk arguing with Ronan who’s standing.
The rest of the class are either trying to get in on the conversation or they’re watching.
The sad part is, I think they’re doing it subconsciously. They’re drawn to everything the four horsemen represent.
Ronan is Death because he’s an impenetrable rock in the midfield.
Cole is Famine; silent but deadly when he attacks.
Xander is War; all he knows is how to wreak havoc.