Page 93 of Ruthless Empire (Royal Elite 6)
Silver has someone who wants her chaos.
Just like me.
Doll Master
Do you ever get the feeling that you’re so close? That one step is all it’ll take for you to get it? That you’ve taken several steps, but the last one is the hardest?
I do. All the time.
However, it hasn’t been working out so well lately. Too many eyes. Too many people. Too much security.
I need to get my doll out before it’s too late.
I’ll protect her. I’ll bathe and wash her. I’ll feed her.
And eventually, she’ll realise her fate has always been with me.
She’s wasted her life enough on people who don’t deserve her. I do.
In fact, I always have.
I deserve her more than she deserves life.
I have to act fast because the other one is picking up on what I’m trying to do.
The plan is already in motion. I just need to get all the annoying things, called people, out of the way.
No one gets between me and my doll.
My art.
My masterpiece.
A week passes and Cole leaves me alone.
Partially, at least. He still uses every chance to get on my nerves and make me lose at everything, even if it’s a debate I started.
He never backs down. I swear he lives to see me suffer.
However, he hasn’t tried to have sex with me since that time in the shower. He hasn’t even tried to tie me up like in Ronan’s house.
Well, I have locked my room’s door every night, but I haven’t heard it being turned, which means he hasn’t tried. I mean, he’s the one who said he doesn’t like his bed and would prefer to use mine.
Not that I’m disappointed or anything.
I wasn’t even disappointed when I woke up that morning after I fell asleep in his arms and found myself alone in my bed.
I wasn’t.
The thing is, I never felt my bed was empty until he slept in it, dwarfing me in his hold, just to disappear as if it never happened.
Why hug me to sleep if he planned to leave? Besides, how come I didn’t feel him leave? I was tangled all around him. I should’ve sensed it when he untangled himself from me.