Page 61 of Royal Elite Epilogue (Royal Elite 7)
Levi: *laughing out loud emoji*
Ronan: *laughing out loud emoji* Now, back to my weed. Who touched it?
Xander: Where did you hide it?
Ronan: Where do you think? Underneath a flower pot. I got the good stuff and hid it from Teal because she doesn’t like its smell in the house. I spent a lot on this stash and got it from overseas. It’s my weekly break.
Cole: What a shame for it to go down the drain.
Ronan: You fucking…
Xander: Uh-oh.
Cole: Remember when you burnt the book that I spent so much time and effort to get from overseas? Well, payback’s a bitch.
Ronan: Connard!
Aiden: As I always say and no one believes me, Cole is a petty little bitch.
The Women’s Group Chat
Kimberly: Can I say that I’m so glad we decided to have our own group chat? The men aren’t the only ones who get that.
Astrid: I had a peek at Levi’s phone by accident the other day and all they do is fight over there.
Silver: Cole says he’s just there because Ronan usually makes a fool out of himself.
Teal: Cole will have me to speak to.
Silver: Oops.
Elsa: And we even have Aurora with us.
Astrid: But Jonathan isn’t with the men in the group chat.
Aurora: Jonathan doesn’t do texting. He only uses emails. He’s a snob that way.
Silver: Imagine if he were there, though. With both Aiden and Levi.
Kimberly: *shivers emoji*
Astrid: We already get that in family dinners. It’s more than enough.
Aurora: Amen to that.
Teal: I think it would be fun.
Elsa: Did you just call that fun?
Teal: Yeah, I mean they’re all part of the same family. It’s even more fun when Jonathan meets Dad and Agnus.
Elsa: More like chaotic.
Aurora: Nah. It’s more than that *winking emoji*
Astrid: What do you mean?