Page 37 of The Interrogator
ng. Her timing was astonishing in that I was so near climax.
“She laughed and folded her arms. She did not retreat or demure, despite my condition. She just looked at me.”
“And you Bobby, what did you do?”
I search for words and tremble more.
“I just stroked onward. I could not stop.”
“Oh, you were a nasty one. Displaying yourself like that in front of your stepsister. Could not stop or did not wish to?..”
I pause.
“Details Bobby, every detail.”
“I just looked at Sue and continued, bringing myself to final climax. I think I spurted even more than when my sister Kate discovered me in the basement. And that was... well... huge... and it felt....”
I cannot find the words.
“And it felt Bobby? How did it feel?”
My voice quavers. The word finally escapes.
Chapter Thirty-One
“I didn’t want to fill your stomach. Your experience in Bangkok should tell you what happens when you’re caned with a full tummy.”
The morning interview was abruptly ended in the telling of my vulgar act and the description of my feelings in masturbating before my stepsister. A parsimonious spoonful of scrambled eggs was summarily offered and then the hissing sound returned. Within moments, the tray was taken from my lap. Thereafter the cycle began again with Mae Lee dutifully tending to what I supposed was perceived as my only needs... water... urination... temporary release... hour after hour.
Miss Denise now explains why I was denied more sustenance as I find myself shaking spasmodically. I lie on the whipping bench, once again secured only by a leather strap around my scrotum.
But the hood has been removed! And Miss Denise sits before me as I wait for the inevitable, the application of the cruelest instrument known, the cane.
Miss Denise is beautifully attired having attended a Sunday opera performance of ‘Madam Butterfly’ and though frightened to the point of nearly losing control of my bladder I stare in awe at her pulchritude. Such confidence. And those blue eyes...
I also must glimpse over her shoulder to see Mae Lee, nearly naked in black thong and brief halter. Her well muscled arms and thighs ripple as she snaps various lengths of bamboo, ostensibly selecting the most effective, but more building the mentally agonizing anticipation as I face slow execution.
Miss Denise addresses my apprehension.
“She’s quite good, Bobby. Absolutely merciless in flogging the male. And you’ll find I have adopted the same rules here as in Bangkok. Thrash about all you’d like, but pose nicely for the next stroke. And if you have to pee, go right ahead, the floor is drained.”
Gentle, well manicured hands reach out and palm my cheeks. Her thumbs brush away my developing tears. She smiles that smile. Miss Denise truly enjoys my plight. We both know that Mae Lee will flog until I wrench about on the confining bench like a beached whale and shriek like a school girl. Only Miss Denise can save me from the indescribable torture, yet she too much enjoys observing the subservient male being vanquished.
“Must you do it?” I so humbly beseech.
“Oh Bobby. Pain is all in the mind. And so wonderfully purifying. And what is your reaction? Can you feel yourself? Your arousal? You’re very stiff you know. Why is that? Mae Lee has not even touched you there. Yet your penis stands for me.”
Yes. My manhood is engorged and I curse myself. The tumescence only seems to firm Miss Denise’s resolve, convince her of my demented desire.
Miss Denise pushes back her chair and crosses her legs as if about to watch a movie. A smiling Mae Lee approaches and smoothes her free hand over my neck. Ironically it feels good and she slides it across my shoulders to gently lift my left arm, reminding me of how I am to receive a proper caning, arms extended straight out to my sides. She is oddly kind. She seems to pity me knowing that I face hell. Her thong barely covers her pubes and I would like to gaze all evening. With the brevity of her garb my nose detects the scent of feminine arousal. Mae Lee is stimulated by my dilemma! The prospect of torturing me excites!
“Nice and slow, Mae Lee. We have all evening.”
Yes, Miss Denise replicates the same procedure as the evil whipmistress in Bangkok. She indicated that those sessions were secretly recorded and I have no doubt that somewhere in this chamber of horrors there is a hidden camera or more.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Mae Lee step back and know she is positioning herself for unfettered access to my well exposed buttocks and feet. I spasm in expectation of that first stroke which has not yet come. I should know that the timing will be leisurely and only the women will decide when my flesh will be set afire.