Page 40 of The Interrogator
“Always there when the urge built to a pinnacle. Always smiling. An engaged laugh as I spewed my seed. Always there to take back the photo after I ejaculated for her.”
“Is that how you perceived your role, as ejaculating for her? Presenting yourself naked for her amusement. And so sordidly displaying such a nasty deed.
“What if she was not there or did not appear? Suppose she did not come through that door, smiling and encouraging your lustful habit.”
I pause in thought. I do not wish to answer. But the woman owns me. I am thoroughly restrained and I recall last Sunday’s graceful nod to Mae Lee that began the cathartic caning. Such a simple motion of her head, such drastic results. She has such power...
“That was later,” I finally blurt.
Miss Denise beams.
“Yes, of course. After she acclimated you, I am sure the games began in earnest.”
“You’ll want to tell me more tomorrow after a night in suspension, Bobby. Rather silly of you to make me draw it from you. But that’s part of your make up. The humiliation, the groveling, the need to submit. It would be too easy for you to just divulge all.
“But don’t worry, I’ll have Mae Lee make you more comfortable.”
Chapter Thirty-Three
Miss Denise did not exaggerate. I do wish to tell her more. Despite the removal of the dowels, remaining suspended, hanging by arms, legs and neck collar, slowly becomes unbearable. And providing Mae Lee with such access to my testicles is frightening.
At one point during the long interval, I assume during the hours of Saturday night, Mae Lee clamped my gonads for no other reason than to listen to me scream for mercy.
So when I next hear Miss Denise’s smooth and authoritative voice, I am ready for discussion, complete disclosure despite the mental pain of reliving such long past events. I must assume it is some time on Sunday. I am hooded though gratefully, I can hear as I helplessly hang from various cables. I cannot recall how many release cycles I have endured but in affording Mae Lee better access to my genitals, the Asian termagant has toyed between my thighs with impunity and with every visit assured that I remained erect for her.
Thus when I hear the door open followed by the command ‘tongue’ as Miss Denise gently taps my nose, I am cheered.
In extending as ordered I am rewarded with a small piece of bread. I chew and listen. Miss Denise speaks.
“So you learned to masturbate on cue for your stepsister. Fascinating, Bobby. Such wonderful devotion you must have had for her. Is that all that happened? With an offering of an alluring photo and you just stripped and stroked?”
I swallow, eager to speak. As suggested the long night has convinced me to tell all.
“The sessions progressed. One time she entered early, before I was well aroused, and took away the photo before climax. ‘It’s mine. You’ll look at it when I say,’ she explained.
“I couldn’t stop but I could not explode either. It was strange. Like I was not in control.
“Within a few minutes, she returned and sat very close. She seemed to enjoy looking at me lying on the bed with a raging hard on. She giggled and produced the picture to permit me to look at Raquel as I finished. She smilingly watched, which led to la
ughter as I finally erupted.”
“After that, her proximity became more commonplace. While I stroked, she became very good at judging where I was on the road to ejaculation and would playfully cover the photo just before I spent. It became a signal.
“‘Hold for me,’ as I recall her words. And I did. I do not know why.”
I pause in thought.
“Aversive conditioned inhibition of the ejaculatory reflex, Bobby. That’s the clinical term. We’ve worked with it before but I doubt if your stepsister completely understood it. She was just having fun.”
“And I haven’t found it too boring myself,” Miss Denise adds with a laugh.
With that, I again feel her finger on my nose. She pushes once more, somewhat more firmly, and sets me swinging front to back. I cannot stop and must remain still to let gravity cease the annoying motion.
“If there is more, tell me Bobby. We can formulate a plan to reverse the condition to which you have reverted.”
I think about the years of awaking with a useless erection, ‘nocturnal penile tumescence’, and the frustration of the hormones which I cannot shun. Since I have divulged most of the deep secrets, if I can be cured, actually ejaculate for the first time in many years, is it not worth the risk of having this divine yet devilish woman know of my long hidden memories?
With my thoughts, Miss Denise’s hand soothingly kneads neck and shoulder muscles overly stressed by hanging in suspension. Her touch feels wonderful as always, not only physically calming but mentally stimulating as well. A sense of gratitude accrues and I find myself wanting to perform for the woman who has so often visited in my dreams.