Page 3 of Nusquam
Grasping a straight edged razor, Kelly returns stepping to the rear of the kneeling naked form. The buttocks, though welted in red, are delightfully shaped, the smooth layers of subcutaneous fat bringing both envy and thoughts of wastefulness in how she chooses to offer her charms. And the dangling breasts have returned to shapeliness as well, perfect hemispheres of young plumped flesh.
“There’s plenty. I can afford it,” Pattie’s tone out of place in somewhat lecturing.
The porcelain bowl is placed between well parted knees, Kelly well aware of the need after many hours in bondage. It is then that Kelly notes the sphincter, the pink rose bud worn and chafed to the point of crimson. The sight brings a cringe and a question.
“You’ve been specially prepared here,” her observation coming as she begins tenderly soaping the welted flesh of the buttocks. “Tooth brush... sand paper?”
“Steel wool, Miss Kelly. I... I... well he wanted to assure I offered myself without attaining pleasure.”
“Of course. It’s a power thing with men.”
Kelly’s attention focuses on the vaginal opening, noting that a spindled sheet of green partially protrudes past inner labia engorged in arousal. For Pattie, submission thrills, to either gender.
“What’s this?” the fingers of the right hand working to retrieve the deeply implanted cylinder of green.
She pulls... slowly... gently... knowing of the extreme sensitivity.
“Your visitor left you a little something,” unscrolling the tight roll. “A portrait of Ulysses S. Grant. How thoughtful,” Nurse Kelly mocks. “You’ve been caned, fucked and breast tortured for a fifty dollar bill. And it’s soaking wet, hinting at how much you enjoyed. Tsk, tsk.”
The greenback is laid to the tiled floor then pushed forth to where the recipient can see.
“I’d like my head shaved as well,” Pattie more politely requests.
“You can pee now,” the fingers of the right hand returning to splay open the labia. “And you’ll need to let the bill dry,” Nurse Kelly’s tone rebuking the apparent sultriness. “Did you say shave your head? You’ve been spending thousands for laser hair removal... now your head too? What about work? You’re going to have lots to explain to your customers and colleagues.”
“I quit... Friday. I want to be immersed. Can you visit daily?”
“My goodness girl, you are addicted. So Daddy left you enough so that you can do that? Give up your job for fifty dollars per day? That doesn’t cover an hour of my time... much less go far to pay the upkeep on this place.”
The excretions curtail, the bowl brimming. Nurse Kelly resumes the sponge bath, smiling in hearing the soft sigh of glee as warm soapiness soothes the many welts.
“No skin broken. You’ll be fine in a day or two... buttocks ready for more. This guy was good... I assume it was a guy judging from the spindled insertion in your cunny. The men think it’s funny... and degrading of course. Your new boyfriend didn’t cross with one stroke, by the way. A nice crisp caning. I’m sure extraordinarily painful... but no permanent marks. You are developing a good circle of... aficionados.”
“Not really a boyfriend. He’s married... to a wife not into the scene. He knows you... knows of you.”
“Most do. My own circle seems to grow and grow. Been offering aftercare for many years.”
“And a good skill set... and knowing hands,” Pattie La Mange compliments, sighing again as the chamois soaks up the heat of the ravished flesh. “David encouraged that I ask you about Nusquam,” Pattie prompts. “Says it may be best for me.”
In alarm, the hand stops.
“So it was David you entertained this afternoon. I should have recognized his work. Very firm, very thorough. Loves to feel a girl squirm in pain with every thrust of that huge pecker of his. But he should not have mentioned Nusquam. It’s not something I can talk about.”
Nurse Kelly completes the bath in silence then arises, taking the filled bowl to the bathroom.
“Scissors... for your head... and an enema bag.... expunge all that seed he left in you. And no more about Nusquam. Not tonight. I am obligated to remain silent about that... will need approval to even mention the word again.”
“An enema! Please... not too much.”
“I’ll decide that. Large and slow... I think the deepness and sense of capitulation will excite you... taking a nice high colonic while I shave your head. You’re going to look ridiculous bald, Pattie. But I suppose that’s what you want. You can explain that complete defoliation abets your nakedness and is good for you... makes you feel most vulnerable... that’s best for a girl of your ilk.”
Chapter Three
Pattie La Mange marvels in admiration as the hands work. Strap after strap, magnetic locks clicking, the knowing nurse is most expert and alacritous in binding a patient... her client... in the Segufix restraint system. Institutional in design... the high cost indicative of the quality and precise engineering... when bound, the so termed patient cannot only put aside thoughts of escape, but finds herself completely immobile as well. Pattie paid thousands, even ordering the expensive head restraint part of the system.
Yes, in visiting the manufacturer’s website she found herself drooling in lust, imaging herself placed in such thorough restraint for hour after hour. With money no object, she purchased with gleeful expectation.
Nurse Kelly also marvels... at the naked girl’s fine shapeliness... with her enthusiasm... with the intensity of her desire to finally manifest what is certainly a lifetime of latent desire. The Segufix system is not a toy, not like many of the cheap bondage paraphernalia fabricated mainly for show... more articles for amusement than for true captivity. No, it’s real, and with years of experience, Nurse Kelly knows how to make it feel real... very real.