Page 21 of The Entrapped
Ramona gasps while replying, “I suppose we can find a larger size.”
Maria slightly withdraws and jiggles her hips to bring forth more gasps as Mr. Feeldoe kneads the vaginal walls.
“No... enough money.”
Both women laugh with another double entente. The question goes unanswered as Maria begins to rhythmically thrust in earnest, her powerful hips offering the force of the most virile male lover.
For a person of Ramona Cortez’s avocation, many of the skills of Maria Sanchez are quite necessary. For a person with Ramona Cortez’s preferences many of her other skills are exquisite.
Maria Sanchez, mature beyond her twenty eight years, has led a life of turmoil and conflict. Born in the mountains of Colombia, her family was constantly intimidated by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Farc). Cousins were kidnapped and executed, family members forced to pledge their allegiance. A strong willed Maria would not offer her submission.
Instead, at age sixteen she ran off, lying about her age to join the government’s counter revolutionary forces. Military training, weapons training, even a few months of top secret training with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency, learning how to intimidate and interrogate drug dealers. With Maria’s good looks yet rugged physicality she brought terror to the terrorists, easily coaxing close contact with her prey.
Stories abound. But Farc guerillas soon learned, if captured, make every effort not to be left in the hands of Maria Sanchez. She was... is... known to be handy with a knife... and in no manner purports to perform surgery.
Those interrogated by Maria Sanchez do not speak of the experience... her methods harsh... and permanent. But all, when greatly pressed, will admit they squawked information like a chicken about to be plucked.
Yes, Maria has great disdain for the male gender, viewing all as adversaries. With machete fired to red hotness, she encourages much oration... or invites to join what she views as the more rational and sedate sex... the blade taunting at the pubes.
‘It’s heated to cauterize so you will not bleed to death,’ a menacing Maria has been known to explain to naked and trussed prisoners, their well presented gonads ripe for harvesting.
For many years satisfied to slake vengeance, the relative poverty of a soldier’s life wore as the many threats to her well being gained credibility. In the end, when it came time to move onward, Maria concluded that though the danger excited, exposing oneself for the meager wages of a soldier was counter productive... especially while observing the lifestyles of the reigning drug lords. Such brought both disgust and envy.
So Maria Sanchez became a mercenary... a soldier, body guard, interrogator for hire.
“And which of our furry friends will be cover for our trip?” A loyal Maria dutifully inquires.
“Bring the Norwegian elk hound.”
“Baldur? Rather large.”
“We’ll need back up, as I am sure you’ll agree.”
Maria’s right hand glides to one of the ubiquitous knives at her left hip. It is said she can draw and throw faster than the best handler of a pistol.
“You’ll not use that until there’s an exchange of money, Maria. Altered men lose all sense of purpose, and we’ll want Escobar to have much purpose... that is to enjoy our offering then pay us.”
Maria feigns a lugubrious look, well aware that much fear and intimidation ends after the male and his tidbits part company. But she has no compunction about using her razor sharp cutlery, of that Ramona is well aware, having taken the time to document one incident of her skills after her initial interview.
A legend in her village, Maria returned after learning that a cousin had been raped, a pregnancy resulting. An influential merchant, deemed to be untouchable by the corrupt local police, never denied the assault and privately bragged of it to friends.
Maria physically overpowered him, quite facilely, bound him and then performed one of her most prized alterations. Knife white hot, she slit open the man’s urethra... from the tip of the penis to the base at the scrotum. Such tissue can never heal normally without expensive reconstructive surgery. As a result, the local doctor advised that it was best to let the wounded organ heal with the urethra remaining split open. The man now squats to pee and his seed will never again explode to impregnate. Instead it frustratingly drools between his thighs.
‘Try anything more and you’ll be spewing nothing,’ Maria purportedly warned before the man passed out in agony. ‘And when a woman of the village wants you to exhibit this now useless thing... you will show it to her upon command.’
It will never be fully disclosed as to where Maria learned such techniques. But her reputation precedes her. Leaving the man alive, potent but functionally useless from a sexual standpoint has been looked upon as a symbol of power in her small village.
And the merchant indeed meekly shows the splayed organ upon the simplest of requests.
‘A half peeled banana,’ one woman quipped upon an early unveiling.
And so the penis appears, as Ramona is well aware.
To complete the interview process, Ramona had an agent document the alteration. It was a simple matter to send her with camera to the village and ask. The merchant so humbly obeyed the request, assuming it to be a test by Maria of his compliance. Lowering his pants and palming the deformed male appendage as demanded, he did not wish to prompt the return of his assailant, meekly permitting the camera to click away.