Page 27 of The Entrapped
“Go with Maria. I want a display of happiness in these shots, Renee. No hint of coercion.”
“Yes. Ma’am.”
Miss Maria leads me to a vast bedroom. A large dog springs from a position of rest, bounding toward me growling.
“Easy Baldur,” Miss Maria softly commands.
The dog immediately calms.
“When with Baldur just remember he is in charge. A prize winning Norwegian Elk Hound, very well trained, very obedient to me and Miss Ramona... but very, very vicious.”
I nod, noting that on hind legs the powerful beast is probably taller than me. I also note a vast cage. It rests on the floor opposite the oversized bed.
Three foot high vertical bars of polished steel, some eight feet long and wide, within the bars is a lining of metal mesh, preventing the smallest of objects from entering or exiting the interior. There is a large door where Baldur enters and exits. Within the door is a smaller opening, a hatch, presumably to offer food and water.
April follows us into the room with a camera.
“Ok, Renee, into the cage. You heard the instructions, Ramona wants a certain look. Happy yet yearning.”
Maria opens the cage door as she speaks. It is then that I realize the cage is not for Baldur. But his presence offers cover for having such a large item of restraint installed in the swanky Waldorf.
I crawl in and Maria locks the door. I note a steel cable with an open lock at the looped end. Further restraint for the cage’s occupant.
A smiling April steps forth and begins clicking from a distance. I display a modest smile... a little girl trying to cheer herself at a relative’s funeral.
“Good. April make sure the earrings show.”
In response I wriggle my head to assure the lengthy pendants freely dangle. More clicks. Then Maria opens the hatch. April steps closer and pushes the lens to the opening, offering a clear view... no mesh to disrupt the image.
“Get the nipples. She must appear prepubescent.”
I kneel back, better modeling my near nakedness... heels and pink panties. Click. Click. Then for some reason I turn a bit to offer a profile of my girlish cheeks. And all with the forlorn smile... that ‘someone please save me from distress look’.
The advantage of digital photography manifests as I move about offering a variety of poses, modifying my wan smile as April snaps away. Finally, with dozens of poses and angles, Maria calls for a halt.
The cage door is unlocked, Maria beckons. I crawl out.
“Remove your panties. I want you naked.”
Not only accustomed to presenting my nudity to a fully clothed woman of authority... but still finding thrill, I slide off the brief pink satin. But for heels, I am as naked as April.
“Spread your feet and bend.”
My hands go to my head and I assume the position. I feel April’s fingers rummage about my locked penis. Maria hands him/her something and I hear another click. For the first time in weeks, the small ringed appendage is free! She has the key!
“Ok, stand and face me.”
Righting myself I revel in the sensation of no longer sensing the constant tugging of my penis.
Maria’s right hand palms my penis. April’s camera work resumes. Snapping from afar to capture my full 5 foot 2 frame, then stepping closer and clicking... then closer... and finally a snapshot taken of just my penis and the brown hand of Maria palming it.
The intensity of the humiliation begins to take its toll. I well up; tears forming in disobedience to Miss Ramona... her orders were to exhibit happiness.
“Such a girly girl,” Maria offers in rebuke.