Page 30 of The Entrapped
I will need to leave work early. Besides assuring hair and makeup are in order, I must pick up the diamond pendants. I dare not wear such to work.
I look at the ancient clock to which every clerk glances during the boredom of paper shuffling. It is 2:30 p.m. I arise and head for Mr. Thompson’s office, conjuring as to the reason for another early departure.
My heels click away on the linoleum, the resounding tapping drawing many eyes. With my birth gender known to all, I do not attain the looks of envy from women and the looks of guilty lust from men as I do when walking the streets and sauntering in the park. Instead there is disgust, some sympathy, some pity.
As I approach the desk of Mr. Thompson’s secretary, I think of being caged and photographed without a word of explanation... think of being fully stripped, my tiny manhood freed to be photographed in the palm of a domineering woman.
What is this about?
“I’m going to have to leave in an hour, an early appointment with my counselor,” informing the secretary and selecting the fabrication which will receive the least resistance.
No one would want this gender confused employee to miss a counseling appointment... seen as perhaps an opportunity to return to normality.
The secretary nods, knowing that I have just about carte blanche since my transformation. Too many laws... too many lawyers... management fears a very untidy discrimination suit.
Just after 3:30 I leave work to begin the walk to my apartment, much more sanguine in noting that the looks received on the streets of Manhattan are of desire and envy.
Arriving home, I spruce up. With no orders as to attire, I change to something more informal but fashionable. The ‘fuck me heels’ made an impression and I don those. Otherwise I freshen my makeup, deluge myself with perfume, find the flashy diamond pendants and head for the Waldorf.
My timing is reasonably good, arriving at the Waldorf at 5:45 p.m. I decide to buzz apartment 2207 a little early rather than lurk about in the lobby, drawing attention in a place where I otherwise don’t want to draw attention.
A naked April opens the door, silent as always. He/she either cannot talk or is forbidden to do so. I know to follow him/her, listening as the penis bell announces his/her presence, clamoring away with all motion.
Into the large bedroom, Miss Ramona and Miss Maria are confabulating.
“Such a prompt young lady you are, Renee,” Miss Ramona compliments.
“Take off your clothes, stay in your panties and heels. Just as the other night.”
I strip and when Maria opens the cage door I for some reason fall to my knees and crawl within, no command necessary. She closes and locks the door.
“Now let’s review some rules. You’re going to have a visitor. He, as most others, will think you are a girl... born as a girl. Do not dissuade him of that. He will be gruff. He will insult. But keep in mind he cannot harm you. Note the steel mesh. He’ll not even be able to touch you should you stay at the far side of the cage. His only access will be through the feeding hatch... and only able to insert a... well let’s leave it as a hand for now. So though he may engender fear, there will be no ability to inflict injury.”
As Miss Ramona speaks, Miss Maria demonstrates by pushing her arm through the limited hatch, designed for water and food bowls. As I cower in the far side of the cage, her extended arm comes nowhere near touching me.
“I will do all the talking. But when it comes time, you will obey my orders to the utmost. You so much enjoyed your visit to the park a few days ago. I think you will somewhat enjoy this visit as well. When I beckon you to approach, I want to hear those six sordid words... and that’s all.”
I listen intently. I am not to ask questions, assuming that all will be unveiled in time.
“Maria, check the cameras and the recorder one more time. Then cable April in the kitchen.”
Maria departs, April follows.
“Baldur will be with us. Maria will be nearby. There is nothing we cannot handle. Just be obedient.”
Waldorf Apartment
New York, New York
Promptly at 7:00 p.m. the buzzer of apartment 2207 sounds. Ramona Cortez smiles, the male sex drive so charmingly predictable.
Maria steps to the door, hunting knife at the left hip, fingers eager to slice with the slightest sign of truculence.
She silently opens the door and gestures for entry. Into the foyer steps the most vicious drug lord of all the cartels in South American. Powerful, ruthless, wealthy, known to carve out the eyeballs of traitors with a hot spoon, never known to refrain from the overuse of violence... but also known... by his closest associates... to have one weakness... young girls.
Miss Ramona sits... as if on a throne. When Escobar enters the parlor, Maria signals him to submit to a pat down. He does, arms extending out from his sides.