Page 40 of The Party Boy
I click away and the page comes up, remaining nearly blank. I type in the code and click the British flag for English. Expecting to once again see the concrete building and privacy warning instead the accented voice offers a different message...
“You have entered progress video number 3 for patient Jack Lipton at the ‘Institute for the Sexually Deviant’. If you are not the person intended to have viewing privileges you are to turn off this page immediately. This is for private viewing.”
Interesting, the feed is sui generis to Jack, not for general edification concerning the Institute. And it’s video number 3. Apparently Mrs. Lipton receives regular reports and has decided to share this one with me. The many facets of the internet are intriguing. I envision that cruel smile of Mrs. Lipton as she watches, from a remote distance enjoying the investment of what I am sure are goodly sums expended in assuring Jack’s care.
Further thoughts are diverted as onto the screen comes Jack, idly lying in the strict bondage of the many Segufix straps. They have removed his leather neck collar. Instead his bald head is frustratingly encapsulated, adding to the thorough immobility as arms and legs are tethered to the point that wriggling fingers and toes is burdensome.
“Patient Jack spends much time in the comfort of the Segufix restraint system,” the accented female voice narrates... most sardonically in my view. “Patients are at all times bound for safety, our staff thoroughly trained in strict bondage procedures.”
There comes the rattle of keys. A lock clicks.
“As all patients at Institut Für Sexally Abweichenden, Jack has a primary care nurse assigned to him. It is she who feeds, bathes with assistance, and exercises him. With many years of experience in treating the sexually deviant, we at the Institute have learned that it is important for the patient to emotionally bond with his nurse. There comes a need for maternal care as the many days of immobility and isolation breaks the cycle of sexual aberration. This need supplants the desire to transgress which has festered over the years.”
So they mentally break him, my thoughts summarizing the clinical explanation.
Onto the screen comes a white uniformed nurse. For Jack it must bring pleasant memories. In my years as his governess I was always similarly uniformed.
The nurse stands to the right side of the bed which occupies the middle of a barren room. She speaks, words not to be understood in that rare German dialect. I am sure not understanding the woman who for the most part is his only contact with the world, is frustrating. But I mentally translate her greeting as ’Good morning’. A hand reaches and toys with Jack’s right nipple. The camera zooms in to focus on the tantalizing touch. The nub crinkles. It is mindful of the tail of a puppy, waggling in joy.
More words as the pretty girl not so much smiles but instead offers a look of sang-froid. She is in charge. She knows it. She enjoys it. I interpret again... ‘You have slept well?’
The girl steps away then reappears with a large bowl and oversized spoon.
“Patients are well fed at the Institute. Forcibly if necessary. It is for the best.”
Whatever is in the bowl is not overly appealing, judging from Jack’s reaction. He resists... or attempts to... gritting his teeth as a heaping spoonful is offered. The nurse smiles wanly, the thumb and forefinger of her free hand reaching to clamp closed Jack’s nostrils. When he opens his mouth for air, the mush like sustenance is cruelly thrust inward. He sputters, the free hand moving to cover his mouth. He must swallow or choke. He swallows.
For a woman of youth, the procedure is both harsh and well practiced. The futile attempt is almost expected, the countering effort immediate and effective.
The screen goes blank for a moment. Then the video resumes. Jack having been fed is freed of the frustrating head straps. In its place, a length of steel, a yoke, encircles his neck. Next the nurse works to free his right wrist from the Segufix strap and secure it within an opening in the yoke. The left wrist follows. Then comes the curious pole which was highlighted during the exercise phase of the introductory video. Some six feet in length, at one end is an adjustable loop of soft cloth. This encircles his scrotum, high at the base of Jack’s penis, the nurse working quite nimbly to tighten.
Then the pole rests in wait on the bed as the many remaining straps making Jack one with the mattress are loosened.
Once again the training of the nurse is impressive. At no time was more than one hand freed. And when Jack’s body finally became mobile, the controlling pole was immediately available to offer the desired exacting guidance.
The nurse speaks again, this time more of a command which I imagine to mean ‘follow’.
She gently tugs the pole. And with the sensitive male parts so admirably brought under a woman’s dominion, Jack struggles to arise, muscles long held in disuse.
Sans straps, Jack displays his total nakedness, the conditioning I forced remaining evident. It is then that Jack’s penis begins to firm. Ah... clothed female, naked male... well controlled male, despite the strict regimen Jack’s proclivity prevails... at the Institute considered deviance.
Holding the pole to the side, the nurse steps forth and applies a vicious smack to the rising penis tip, her finger tips accelerating expertly. Jack cries out. His organ deflates.
“Patient Jack will later endure elektronisch abgelassen for this breach of protocol,” the accented voice offers as the nurse leads from the room, pulling the pole. With testicles comically rising to follow, Jack obediently follows as well.
Chapter Fifty-Four
I click the pause bottom in thought. Jack is approaching age twenty six. Stepmother Judith Lipton is in her early fifties. What arrangements have been made for his care later in life when presumably Mrs. Lipton will pass onwards?
The narration indicated patients are expected to require a lifetime of treatment, sexual deviancy never assumed to be cured.
Jack’s trust remains in place. As trustee I have let the funds accumulate with Jack’s confinement and my new found wealth.
Yes, I will build a nest egg for Jack. Though his care no doubt expensive, it’s possible I will be able to assure the young nurses of Institut Für Sexally Abweichenden will be tormenting... guess I should us the term caring... for Jack well past Mrs. Lipton’s demise.
I click to resume video number 3, expecting to see Jack being bathed, as was the sequence in the video of introduction. And yes the camera shows him in the cavernous wash room, but he stands not being hosed down and scrubbed with brushes, instead he sits in what can only be described as a large gynecological examination chair... yoke remaining, ankles and thighs strapped to stirrups.
“New patients such as Jack undergo Säurewäsche for the initial months of their treatment.”