Page 20 of A Gift From James
So finally, I yielded. Again I hated myself. But I unzipped my trousers and Eve stepped closer. Presumably it was her first glimpse of the excited male appendage.
She made me hold it out and move about so she could see all sides and angles. I was ashamed but my little erection seemed to grow under her gaze and even more when she giggled...
That night I masturbated again. There was no emission of sperm. I was too young for that. But stroking my penis felt good. And although I did not fully understand the strange phenomenon, I learned it was the surest way to make it go limp.
D’s recorded voice returned and my long lost memory faded away.
I kept James in sensory deprivation all of Friday. On Saturday morning, in an uncharacteristic mood of compassion, I released him...but just for a while.
I left the esophagus tube in place but disconnected it from the bag. The inflatable rectal plug also remained in place. Again, the tube was easily disconnected. He remained hooded and catheterized. As he slowly backed out of the cage, I cautioned him that his penis was still connected.
I snapped on his leash. Holding the collection bag in one hand and the end of the leash in the other, I walked him about my apartment. He was grateful for the exercise and tried to lick my shoes despite the tube emanating from his mouth. I laughed. The subliminal messaging was quite effective. His desire to serve was overwhelming. Possibly stronger than my desire to feel that trained tongue between my thighs.
“If you’re a good boy James, I’ll have a special treat for you tomorrow.”
His docility told me I was about a day ahead of where I expected to be. That meant I could soon curtail the extreme sensory deprivation and switch to other training. I had purchased many oranges.
I had this insatiable desire to show my devotion. D was so kind to take me around the living room. My muscles were not as stiff and sore as I expected. The sedative was working but I wondered how I would feel after it dissipated.
The tube in my mouth was annoying. I wanted so much to apply my tongue to D’s warm smooth flesh. And the catheterization tube could be felt. D amused herself by using it as a second leash.
After several laps, she led me back to the cage. In just minutes I was back into the strange world of static and drea
Eve again stepped into my thoughts. Another shocking recollection bubbled up from deep in my memory. Something that I had chosen or forced myself to forget.
It was a week after she had wheedled me into exposing myself. After the incident, I felt timid around Eve, she having ordered me about so she could so carefully inspect my tiny erection. And she seemed to assume a newly assertive role with me. I avoided her as best I could but she lived close by and the neighborhood was small.
It was a Saturday morning when kids are given much latitude while parents do chores. Eve encountered me exiting the back door of the house. When I think back, I believe she was waiting for me.
“Are you going to show me Little Dicky again, James?”
She asked in a loud voice. I panicked knowing that my mother was in the kitchen on the other side of the door I was just closing.
Eve had taken it upon herself to name my underdeveloped manhood. She followed her question by suggesting she was going to tell the entire neighborhood about my exhibition and how excited I got when locked up in the cage.
It was blackmail. There was no other way to describe it.
Thinking as an adult, it would have been so easy to call her bluff, then merely deny the incident. Or simply retort by asking why she was so curious about my ‘bump’. Or why she chose to lock the cage, etc.
But at that age, I suppose eleven, clarity of thought is not a strong attribute.
I meekly forced a smile.
“Yes, your sister will be quite ashamed, James, finding out that her brother likes to unzip himself. And your mother will probably find out...”
I stepped away from the house very concerned about being overheard, which would probably augur a worse result than if Eve intentionally blurted out the story.
We talked. Why could I not be more forceful? She was a little girl. I began to stammer and lose my words. Eve knew she had me.
“Let’s go in back of the garage, James”
It was an ominous suggestion, but I did want to take the conversation away from the house.