Page 35 of A Gift From James
Laitai began that very evening. By the time the train resumed its western journey, James was strapped to this interesting device that she and Alice procured. It was quite the procedure to observe. James’ buttocks were forced well into the air and well apart. His precious pink parts hung off the end and were perfectly exposed, held in place and dangling most temptingly between his thighs, which were forced apart by the well designed leather padded struts built into the rear vertical surface.
The thigh restraints, wrist cuffs and rounded surface held James absolutely motionless as Laitai gently smoothed a special lotion over his flesh.
“When did he eat last?” she was curious to know, her training mandating the question. For the novice, receiving the initial mind-altering stroke of the cane can be physically cathartic. Not that the experienced recipient finds the overwhelming pain to be any less so.
It had been some four hours since diner, but Laitai still placed a towel on the carpet under James’ head, as a precaution against the release of his stomach contents. The gesture was a portent of the night’s activities.
Alice inquired about the lotion, which Laitai was applying with the touch and concern of a mother tending to her newborn.
“A very old Chinese mixture formulated hundreds of years ago. It prepares the flesh by adding suppleness, thus James will be able to take more strokes without the skin breaking. It also contains a rare nerve stimulant, which serves to make the covered portion of the body much more sensitive. And amazingly, it aids in the healing process without permitting the flesh to become desensitized. He’ll feel the pain of subsequent canings just as much as the first.”
Alice and I sat in the large comfortable chairs and watched. I left James unhooded. I wanted to see his face as the first searing stroke broke what little manly will remained.
Laitai let the suspense build by casually choosing a cane from an incredibly large selection. She commented on the characteristics of each length of bamboo, and Alice and I learned that length and flexibility are apparently important attributes in maximizing results.
Finally, she began.
From whence did this woman come?
I would never have believed the hand of such a young and slight girl could deliver such agonizing punishment. The bamboo cane caused fire.
I screamed with her first stroke and louder with the second. Tears rolled and I could not help breaking my mandated silence to beg D to make her stop.
The sounds of a caning can be frightening. The swish. The splat. The scream. The choked pleadings for mercy.
But D and Dr. Alice just sat and watched with pleasant looks of interest, as if visiting an art gallery. With my entreaty, Dr. Alice’s hand extended from her chair toward D. D responded and their fingers touched in a strange form of communication, as Laitai applied a third stinging stroke to my helplessly exposed and upturned buttocks.
“So you like singing for me, James? It’s a song I’ve heard many times.”
Her tone reminded me of a dentist methodically suggesting that only a little more drilling was necessary, only with Laitai such words of moderation were not offered. Only the tone was soothing. Laitai’s voice was firm, even and without emotion.
The pauses between swings of her delicate arm were remarkably long. And while waiting for the fourth, I came to realize that in allowing the pain from the previous stroke to completely dissipate, the agony of each subsequent stroke was maximized. How was it that a girl so young came to so skillfully yet evilly ply her trade? Yes, I quickly concluded she was a professional, and when I realized she had been hired by way of my fortunate lottery circumstances, my frustration became pronounced.
After a sixth horrifying blow, my voice broke, causing D and Dr. Alice to smile. Laitai paused. Amazingly I jumped with the touch of her hand. Her fingers felt ice cold on my chastised buttocks and she casually toyed with my testicles and penis.
“He’s semi-erect,” she summarily reported to my observers.
D glanced at Dr. Alice with a knowing look, then nodded for Laitai to resume.
She did.
I would have loved watching Laitai all night. But even after the long orgasmic afternoon with the ‘man spreader’, I was too aroused to remain seated.
When James nearly swooned on the eighth stroke, Alice and I used the lengthy pause required for his recovery to exit to the master bedroom. We stripped and spent the night cuddled together naked in the large bed. Our eventual sleep, brought on by numerous ecstatic climaxes, was interrupted by occasional cries from the observation dome.
Laitai had great stamina. I’m not sure when she finished with James. But when Alice and I arose the next day, James was hooded, hog tied and naked on the floor of one bedroom compartment, while Laitai slept in the other.
Judging from the marks, Laitai concluded her introduction to James with some crisp strokes to the soles of the feet. Those are well remembered, I thought to myself.
I made coffee and Alice and I watched the countryside flash by. As the hour approached 10:00 a.m., Alice expressed desire for breakfast. I returned to Laitai’s bedroom. She was just stepping from the shower and I informed her that James was needed to serve breakfast.
“Yes, ma’am,” was her polite reply. “In the futur
e, mornings for James will begin much earlier. The late evening was necessary to establish my authority.”