Page 37 of A Gift From James
My tongue and lips worked for hours.
At some point the women tired. Wrist cuffs were summarily attached and secured behind my back. I was brusquely pushed to the floor. There I spent the night.
Breaking the male to my will takes time but with experience is rather simple. And the level of enjoyment never diminishes.
That morning in Shelby, I awoke early. Henceforth, James would be an early riser and would prepare breakfast for his Mistress. For James, sleep would become a privilege bestowed by Ms. D, not a necessity.
I quietly entered the master bedroom. Dr. Alice and Ms. D were wrapped in each other’s arms sleeping naked with their breasts touching.
A hooded James was on the floor, also asleep but in an awkward fetal position with his hands cuffed behind his back.
In the palm of my hand, I held the smallest and most effective item of restraint and correction known, a set of nose clamps.
Said to be developed by the Japanese, I was certainly well trained in its use by my Chinese ancestors, so to me the historical roots of its usage were unimportant.
The device is really just a set of upturned, serrated tongs that can be inserted into the nostrils and squeezed by the controlling hand. With the close quarters of the train cars, clamping the tongs into James’ nostrils and pulling provided the same effect as a leash, only with convenient proximity and a much more painful consequence for failing to respond.
Naturally James awoke as I slid the steel prongs deep into his nostrils. Most do not realize how many nerve endings are in the nose area and how sensitive they can be when squeezed and tugged...James found out.
“Just follow, James,” I whispered, “we don’t wish to wake Dr. Alice and Ms. D.”
The response to the slightest tug on the nose is marvelously efficient. James hurriedly arose to his knees and shuffled behind me as I walked. I kept him kneeling as a demonstration of control, and although it took time, we eventually arrived in the domed observation room. There, I wiped the tear stained cheeks and had James perform exhausting calisthenics. I then caned him...slowly, methodically, and painfully. Quite a stimulating way to start the day.
I led him to my bedroom compartment. After a most humiliating inspection, shaving, internal cleansing and shower, he was eager to work in the galley.
I decided to add a level of challenge to his training by strapping his feet into a pair of high-heeled shoes. His forlorn look was amusing and I made a note to shave his legs.
Dr. Alice and Ms. D awoke to a well-prepared breakfast served by a naked and most humble maid, struggling to walk with the alacrity my cane required.
James served us well, and Laitai’s touch with the high-heels provided amusement and some thought. So after breakfast I worked in the small office as James cleaned up. I made a new tape while Laitai harnessed James and suspended him in the lounge. She was quite adept for a young dominant.
Within 30 minutes, I completed a new subliminal message and the timing was good. The locomotive from Calgary had arrived to take us to Canada.
I hurriedly returned to the lounge area to set up the tape. Laitai dutifully stood nearby and I showed her how to operate the recorder. As I placed the headphones over James’ ears the door to the rear observation deck opened. There a burly, middle-aged, bearded railroad worker stood, momentarily transfixed by the sight of my semi-erect, naked man servant. He quickly recovered himself despite James’ embarrassed squirming.
“Thought I’d warn you. You’ll be feeling a bump when we connect the engine...guess he won’t notice,” he added with a smile and nod toward my freely hanging James.
“My name’s Jake. From the looks of things, I assume you’re all going to the spa by way of Calgary. The trip will be slow due to the snow. And we’ll have to stop in Canadian customs in about an hour. Your friend’ll be getting quite a welcome,” Jake laughed with his observation.
“Luther and I will be in the cab if you need anything. Enjoy the ride.”
Jake closed the door and Laitai and I burst out laughing. James turned crimson. Laitai turned on the tape and I fixed some drinks.
The humiliation was overwhelming, hanging helplessly naked before a railroad worker. But it was interesting how quickly he surmised our destination and was able to cope with D’s unusual scene.
Shortly after the door shut, the static filled my ears and I became immersed in thought. Events were happening rather quickly and my introduction to the cane and the constant attention of Ms. Laitai were traumatic. So it was nice to settle into my harness and wile away some time.
Then Eve returned.
No longer a precocious teenager, these recollections had her approaching womanhood, more rapidly than others her age. The frequency of my basement trips had slowed after several years. Initially she inspected, used, experimented, discovered, manipulated, etc. with impunity and with me always stripped, her fully clothed. But on occasion she was sans underwear, finding my tumescent reaction to the flash of her blossoming sex to be a source of amusement.
But over time she became jaded and despite an occasional game, where she would hide my clothes somewhere in her house and laugh as I ran about with ‘Little Dickey” pointing straight up attempting to find covering as her mother pulled up the driveway, her interest waned in extending ‘invitations’ to attend Friday afternoon encounters.