Page 43 of A Gift From James
I reached down and with a simple click released the clamp securing his wrist cuffs together. As planned, the legal papers acknowledging the need and desire for his alteration were ready with a pen nearby.
Alice continued to hold and massage the prostate. Without inquiry and with amazing haste, James signed where I guided his hand and he quickly moved his hand to his penis.
“I’m going to hold my hand here, James. You stroke away for Ms. D. She too enjoys watching naughty boys.”
Alice slid her right hand down to his perineum. I knew from experience that she was pressing his urethra. James could stroke himself for a week without climax. Little did he realize, even with his hands free, he still did not have control over his own functions.
Ejaculating became critical. I signed whatever was needed and urgently moved my hand to the incredibly large and throbbing pole so diligently held by Dr. Alice.
As permitted, I stroked. My senses were overwhelmed with Dr. Alice’s hands, one deeply penetrating my backside the other held under my scrotum, the taste and smell of Ms. D, the feel of her naked flesh touching mine.
She had taunted me to climax. Long overdue. And as I stroked, I thought about Eve. Yes, I would indeed show off for Ms. D, just as I had for Eve so many years ago. I wanted to satisfy her need. I wanted to please her...and nothing happened.
My mind and body craved to spew the pent up supply of sperm. I was pulling the trigger on this overloaded gun and nothing was happening.
Dr. Alice began to laugh.
“What’s the problem, James? You seemed so eager. Maybe if you stand.”
Still hooded, I slowly slid off the bed with Dr. Alice moving with me. Both her hands remained in contact. I resumed stroking and began toying with my scrotum just as I used to do for Eve. Again I felt my ejaculatory muscles working and again Dr. Alice laughed.
D spoke. “Maybe if you ask nicely James, you’ll be allowed to entertain us with your climax.”
And I did. Humbly asking permission to ejaculate, Dr. Alice removed her hand from my perineum and then expertly timed the motions of her penetrating left hand, massaging my prostate to coincide with my final long, powerful strokes.
I exploded and sunk back onto the bed to the sound of feminine laughter.
It was so easy to coax James’ signature. And for a brief moment afterward, I considered returning him to bondage without relief.
But one has to have some degree of compassion. After all, it was his last orgasm, and watching Alice control the process from start to finish was amusing.
We hog-tied an exhausted James and left him on the floor. I slept soundly curled up with Alice.
Later, Laitai returned and dragged him away.
The next morning James would arise early and Laitai would prepare him for a visit to the operating room.
It has always amazed me how easy it is to remove that which the male finds so precious and holds so dear.
D felt that James should watch, and I could not have agreed more. No general anesthesia would be used. Watching feminine fingers open up the proud scrotal sac and slip out the reproductive organs is a ceremony no male forgets. And in having him watch, the
level of submission and humiliation could not be surpassed.
It is the ultimate act of submission to the dominant female. Watching as the gonads are whimsically extracted, perhaps to be saved as a souvenir, the lifetime remembrance will assist in making James the malleable pet which the dominant female most desires. Henceforth, D’s needs and sexual pleasure will be all that James thinks and cares about. His ability to achieve his own will be forever curtailed.
Laitai has secured James in the special chair. He sits upright with his arms restrained by cuffs in the back. His legs protrude straight out in front of him encased in splint-like boards. They are so well bound that the numerous straps almost cover every inch of skin.
As I prepare the topical anesthetic and test the laser, Laitai turns a crank and James’ legs slowly part. The splints can force the legs to very painful angles, but I don’t want to induce too much pain. Therefore when a knowing Laitai feels pressure and James grimaces, she stops. Still, I can easily stand between the splints and the short seat upon which James is propped allows his stretched and hormone filled sac to dangle most enticingly.
With the excitement, his erection slowly blossoms and I can’t help smiling. It is saluting. Even in distress the submissive male cannot control the reaction to being under the thorough control of the dominant female.
I step to James’ front, smiling professionally. In my gloved left hand is the jar of special ointment, a mixture of glycerin and procaine. I gently swab James’ well shaven sac. He stirs with the coolness, but the erection stiffens. After a moment I pinch the thin flesh. Observing no reaction, I know the ointment has penetrated and numbed the skin.