Page 46 of A Gift From James
I retrieved two more rings. This time I skipped the procaine and merely stepped between James’ forcibly spread thighs, pinched his left nipple and plunged a needle through it.
James screamed.
The newly sensitive, more feminine then masculine pink nubs invited attention and I could not resist. With another plunge and another scream, I pierced the right, then attached a pair of rings with identical bells.
Again I stepped back and surveyed my work. With the nipples symmetry is important and I had not lost my touch. They were perfect, the ornaments hanging at precisely the same level.
“You won’t soon forget me now, will you James,” I cooed in a soothing voice.
“With every step you take, with every motion you make, the sound of your bells will remind you of Dr. Alice.
“Laitai will take you back to the revoir.”
I simultaneous flicked both scrotal bells, then gently slapped my hand across his chest striking the nipple bells. He yelped in pain. I strode out listening to the satisfying sound of my ringing handy work.
Well, all good things must come to and end. But with the financial resources at my command, not necessarily as quickly as need be.
After Alice left I made some phone calls. How much could a locomotive possibly cost?
And sure enough, it did not cost that much. I leased one of reasonable speed and power and specifically asked for Jake and Luther as my crew. They were scheduled to arrive in three days, which fit perfectly with the progression of James’ training and cosmetic transformation.
And so for the last three nights, Laitai and I poured over maps, seeking places to visit which were accessible by train. And, of course, an important criteria were stops where we could show off James.
During the last week, I was introducing James to the thrilling look and feel of feminine silk on his newly sensitized skin, Alice and I having made sizable purchases of lady’s garments for him in Calgary.
And it was amusing to see him take to the frilly and brief attire we had selected. I suppose for James it was better than nothing, which is exactly what he had before my generosity. But still, when permitted feminine covering, there appeared on his face a most convincing look of satisfaction, despite the concern over the slight sound of bells beneath.
So when traveling, my effeminately attired James became Jami. His only other choice was to go naked and display to the world the remains of his bejeweled he chose to travel as Jami, and he listened attentively to instruction on passing as female.
And so it came to our last evening at the spa. Jami had taken every meal in our suite with Laitai insisting on a special diet. As a treat, and a bit of a test, I decided to take him to dinner in the formal dining room.
I dressed him like a cheap hooker, and was even able to find a skirt short enough so that the very bottom of his scrotal bells hung below the hem, thus proving a wonderful cacophony as he perambulated into the spa’s crowded cocktail lounge.
After some four weeks, most of the guests and staff had encountered Jami, so his initial visit to the lounge and adjoining dining room was not too shocking. But one very handsome woman kept looking at us. She sat at the end of the bar and was known to all the staff. And judging from the manner in which she spoke and they listened, she was a person of authority.
When our barely clad waiter came to serve us, I discreetly inquired about the woman.
“That’s the manager of the spa, madam,” was his polite reply.
I excused myself to Jami and left to introduce myself to the woman. We talked then I returned.
What a small world!
Jami and I proceeded to have a wonderful meal. I ordered for him, of course, and knowing all the foods he disliked, made certain his plate was filled with all the spa had to offer.
We returned to our suite after dinner. Ms. D had been drinking wine and was very relaxed. Over dinner she was constantly slipping her hand under my blouse and toying with my nipple rings and bells. It was quite embarrassing, particularly when the newly sensitized areolas erected
under her touch.
For some reason she had Laitai strip me and put me in suspension. I had not been so constrained since the second removal, Ms. D deeming my time better spent with head between her thighs. Or lying supine, knees to chest and watching Ms. D’s beautiful and firm breasts as she thrust the ‘man spreader’ into my waiting aperture.
So I knew something was afoot. But there I hung, helpless, sans hood but with wrists and ankles cuffed behind me. The configuration highlighted my missing testicles and the bells hanging in their place continuously rang with every slight motion. I indeed thought about Dr. Alice and her skilled but evil hands.
Then a knock came at the door and a large waiter entered with an ice bucket and bottle of wine. He looked at my nakedness, glanced down to the source of the ringing and smiled. He opened the bottle and as a sort of gratuity, Ms. D stroked his massive penis to erection and fondled his intact scrotum. She did this while looking at me with a sardonic smile. I flushed with the degradation of being so taunted, forced to watch as an intact male obediently tumefied for my owner.