Page 8 of A Gift From James
“You doth protest too much, James.”
With her paraphrase of Shakespeare, her fingers disappear between her thighs. When they return they glisten in the light, covered with Robert’s semen and her own lubrication.
She then mischievously coats my nose, lips and chin. She takes her time, as if applying makeup and twice returns to her love nest for more in order to paint my cheeks and forehead. The realization that her sex has been abundantly filled by Mr. Dinnerdate makes me seethe, but my silence is mandated.
“Tomorrow, James, you’re going to learn many things. Manners included.”
She steps to the rear of the cage and grasps my testicles. Using my organs as leverage, her free hand begins to pull on my butt plug.
“Push for me.”
I comply and the large rubber implement is expelled with a plop.
“If you have to go during the night, do so. It is you who will clean out the cage.”
She turns off the light and enters the bathroom. The running water tells me she is cleansing herself. For the remainder of the night, I will smell like the sex organ of an aroused female, while trying my best to sleep in the steel cage. She will sleep refreshingly cleansed resting in her comfortable bed.
Sleeping was difficult. I was as giddy as a schoolgirl looking at James kneeling in his cage with that forlorn puppy dog look.
Yes, James, you’re going to provide that gift. And more.
Feeling Robert’s massive phallus splitting my tight vaginal lips while gazing at my naked pet was exquisite. The power and control combined with the sensation of a hot, rock hard manhood frictioning my precious love pot sent me into heaven. And Robert! He has possibilities. He seemed to enjoy watching me tug on James’ leash and lead him about. Some men like a controlling female but just don’t want to be controlled. So for Robert, I guess, I put on quite a show with my performing animal, James. And his obnoxious laugh certainly obtained results. As angry and as frustrated as James became, his erection stiffened when he suddenly comprehended the humiliation he underwent for Robert’s amusement. I remind myself, the penis is a barometer, and James’ little instrument forecasted some amusing ‘weather’.
Tomorrow, Dr. Alice is flying in from St. Paul. She’s getting ready for our trip and wants to introduce herself to James. That should be interesting, James meeting the woman who will permanently alter his fate...
Sleeping was difficult. There was foam padding in the bottom of the cage but my weight caused my knees to push right through to the hard steel surface below. Besides, humans don’t usually sleep on all fours.
After an hour or so, I learned that I could twist to one side, lower my hips and lie down, desp
ite my wrists being secured. It was then that I slept.
Sometime in the middle of the night D arose. She went to the bathroom, came out and threw a blanket into the cage. A bowl of water was retrieved from the kitchen. When she slid it through a small slot in front I craned my head as far as I could and kissed her hand in gratitude. She smiled knowingly, patted my head and returned to bed.
I awoke often. The blanket had slipped away and did not quite cover me. Frustratingly, I was unable to right it with my wrists secured. Not only was my position uncomfortable, but I was hungry. D had not provided dinner. I found myself lapping from the bowl to stave the sounds of my growling stomach.
Finally, as the bedroom began to glow with the rising sun, I again awoke and instinctively knew that I could not return to sleep. The hunger pains combined with the awkward position just would not allow me further rest.
So I returned to my kneeling position and watched D sleep. She was gorgeously angelic in slumber. Her rich black hair flowed over her pillow framing a face, which in its quiescence seemed to have been chiseled by a master sculptor. She stirred from time to time and for awhile the sheets fell away and exposed to my gaze her breasts. Perfectly formed, not small not large, I recalled the first time this beautiful kinky woman permitted me to indulge in their charms, licking and nibbling at nipples I found to be wonderfully tactile.
Then I felt deep in my lower belly the twinge of that magic male valve, and when I looked down could once again watch my penis slowly stiffen. Looking at it caused its swelling to hasten and I realized how randy I had become, tumefying even without the aid of the butt plug.
So there I knelt. Calmly waiting for D to end her somnolence. Wondering when I would be fed and what strange things I would have to endure in order to be relieved of my abundant hormones. And my bladder filled once more...
On Saturdays I let myself sleep late. And on this Saturday, I slept well.
With the morning light, I twice awoke to catch a glimpse of James patiently kneeling in his cage waiting for me. With such a comforting vision of my power and control, I rolled over and soundly slept more.
I knew he was hungry, having deliberately not fed him the night before. I also knew that he could not bring himself to soil the padding in the cage. Therefore, when I rolled over I imagined a very hungry and bladder-filled James eagerly greeting me when I chose to arise. I flushed with the thought and re-entered a deep sleep.
Finally, with the bright morning sun illuminating the bedroom, I glanced at my clock. It was after 9:00 a.m. and there were things to do.
Dr. Alice’s plane was scheduled for a noon landing and James did require attention.