Page 5 of The Sex Chronicles
I lower my head farther so I can suckle on your balls. You reach over and pull up my skirt, reach your hands under my panties, and begin to finger my ass. I squirm as cum starts to trickle down between my thighs onto the seat of the car.
Even though the rain is coming down hard and beating up the roof of the car, you tell me to get out. You know making love in the rain has been a longtime fantasy of mine. I slip my shoes back on as you get out and walk around to my side and open the door for me. I join you in the rain. You pick me up and carry me to the hood of the car. I lie back on the hood while you pull my panties off.
The traffic is picking up now. The accident has been cleared. I marvel at how fast the cars seem to be passing by the spaces in the trees as you begin to suck on my moistened clit. The rain is pouring down, and we are both instantly drenched. My hard nipples are prominent through the sheer material of my blouse. I look up to the clouds as the rain falls all over us.
You eat my pussy with the passion that is ever present with us and put your hands under the small of my back, making me arch it just enough for you to reach the top button of my blouse. I help you out by undoing the rest of the buttons for you.
You suck on my pussy until I cum all over your face, glazing it like a freshly baked doughnut. I rub my own breasts and push them up toward my mouth, one at a time, flicking my tongue over each nipple. Once you get done licking up the cum off my inner thighs, you join me in my breast-sucking endeavors. You take over like a man on a mission, taking each breast completely in your mouth in turn and sucking on them with more horsepower than a vacuum cleaner. I run my fingertips up and down your muscular back and wrap my legs around your waist, letting you know what I really crave.
We hear a horn blow from a passing car and realize we must be more visible than we thought. I can feel your dick spread my pussy lips apart, switching the imaginary sign on my clitoral door from vacant to occupied. You put it all in and then pick me up and carry me deeper into the trees. The rain is still coming down. Cars and trucks fly by even faster on the interstate as the work traffic begins to die down for the evening.
You place my back up against a tree and begin to fuck the hell out of me just the way I like it. I reach above my head and grab onto a tree branch to get more leverage so I can ride your dick better, and ride it I do. You push my breasts together and suckle on both of my nipples in unison. I shake the tree branch so hard when you cum inside me that the water on the leaves splashes down on us like a high-pressure showerhead.
We are headed back to the car, about to get in and head home, when a state trooper pulls onto the access road. We scramble to fix our clothes real quick while he gets out of his cruiser. As I explain to him why we are there, making up a lie and telling him I am pregnant and had to pull over because I was nauseous, you kick a pile of leaves around in an effort to bury my panties, which are exposed on the ground.
He asks us for identification along with our car registration and then lets us go when everything checks out. He informs us that the access roads are for official vehicles only, such as police, fire trucks, ambulances, and such. He releases us with a warning. He probably suspects the real deal, but can’t prove it since he didn’t catch us in the act.
We get in the car and head home, stopping by a Chinese carryout on the way in. It is too late to cook dinner. After dinner, we take a long, hot shower together and make love for the rest of the night in our waterbed. The sounds of the water in the bed as you work my pussy over reminds me of the raindrops. I revel in the fact that you have made yet another one of my fantasies come true.
The Godfather
Out of all the men in the world, Norman was the last one I needed to get freaky with. He was the best man at my wedding to Tyler, and he is the godfather of our two kids. However, he is also too damn sexy for words.
In a way, I feel guilty about what I did, and in a way I don’t. Tyler has been ignoring me a lot these past six months or so. I have come to the conclusion his behavior is attributed to one of two things. Either he doesn’t feel as strongly about me as he did when we took our wedding vows, or he is fucking around his damn self. I tend to think it is a lack of feelings, because if he were cheating, he would be accusing me of cheating also. That’s how men do it. They accuse you of doing the same shit they are in an effort to throw you off the track.
Don’t get me wrong. I love my husband. I’m not even going to try to fake the funk about that. I fell in love with Tyler the first time I laid eyes on him, even though I had a slight concussion. I met Tyler when he hit me over the head with a hard-ass baseball at a college game. I was a cheerleader, and he was playing first base. I don’t know what the hell happened. The game was going smoothly, and we were winning 4–1. Next thing I knew, I saw the damn thing headed toward me, and before I could duck, I was ass out.
When I woke up, he was looking me dead in the eyes with a look of concern all over his face. “Are you okay?”
“Hell, no, I’m not okay! You hit me with a damn baseball!”
That was it! The rest is history. We started dating, started fucking, and ended up falling so madly in love that one day we went to the justice of the peace and got married. Norman, who has been Tyler’s best friend since kindergarten, was his best man, and Mavis, my ace boon coon, was my maid of honor. We got hitched and then went out and took a hell of a lot of tequila shots to celebrate.
In fact, our wedding night almost turned into a foursome until Tyler kicked Norman and Mavis out of our motel room. They’ve always denied it, but I bet the two of them went somewhere and sexed each other down. After they left, Tyler and I kept on hitting the tequila, but it became a bit more interesting.
We got butt-naked, and Tyler told me to lie flat on my back on the bed. Then he took the salt shaker, one of those cheap ones that comes in a set with pepper for about a buck at the grocery store, and got creative on my ass. He licked my left breast all over and then covered it with salt. Then he squeezed the juice from a lemon slice from the center of my breastbone all the way down to my fine pubic hair. He licked up some of the salt, took a shot of tequila and then lapped up the lemon juice, tracking it with his tongue until he reached the grand prize.
He would eat my pussy for a few moments and then do it all over again. It drove me crazy. By the time he finally fucked me, I had cum about six or seven times already. The sex between Tyler and me was always the bomb. Until recently, anyway.
Both Tyler and Norman are sexy in their own individual ways. Tyler is light-skinned with deep brown eyes. He’s five-foot-eleven and about 190 pounds. Norman’s about six-two, deep chocolate with light eyes and about 210 pounds. They’re both built like all hell, and to this day, they work out together three nights a week at the gym.
Fucking around with Norman was totally unintentional. I’m not going to try that old line and say he tripped and fell in. You wouldn’t believe that one anyway. But, on the real tip, I never meant to fuck him. I just wanted to help him through some rough times.
To make a long story short, Norman had been shacking up with this girl named Tracie, and it was all good between them. That is, until he picked up the phone one day and heard her making plans to bump coochies with another woman. When he confronted her and asked her was she gay, she took it to the bridge and replied, “Shit, I’ll be gay ’cause I’m happy as a faggot in dickland when a woman is eating my pussy!”
Needless to say, that threw him for a fucking loop, and he didn’t know how to deal with it, poor baby. He really cared for Tracie, and while it may not have been true love, his feelings were real, and he was extremely hurt. The hurt turned to devastation when she picked up less than a week after he caught her on the phone and moved in with her other lover.
Tyler wasn’t home the night Norman called to break the news that Tracie was gone. He had taken our two sons, Aaron and Courtney, to a college basketball game. Norman seemed so upset that I decided I better go over and check on him in person. On the way over there, getting sexed by him never crossed my mind.
Within five minutes after I got there, however, I knew my ass was in trouble. There was something different about Norman that night. He seemed so sensitive, so vulnerable, and so damn sexy. To me, nothing is sexier than a man expressing his true feelings, and that’s what Norman did that night. He laid it all on the line.
When he started talking about how he planned on asking Tracie to marry him and have his kid, we both started crying. He laid his head in my lap while I cradled him in my arms like a baby. I began to wipe away his tears with my fingertips, but he took my hand and started sucking on my fingers. I was too through. Damn shame he did that. He started to try to go for a nipple through my blouse, and I pushed his head off my lap, proclaiming, “I have to go!”
I jumped up from his leather sofa and headed toward the front door of his apartment. He was on my tail, literally. When I reached the door, unlocked it, and tried to open it, he pushed it back sh
ut. He pressed me into the door, and I could feel his dick piercing the small of my back. It was hard, and it was very, very big. I know I should have insisted on leaving. In fact, I told him, “I should leave. This isn’t right.”
“No, this is very right.” He started sucking on my earlobe, drawing my hoop earring into his mouth along with the rest of it. When he stuck his thick, juicy tongue inside my ear canal, fucking was a done deal. He had found one of my spots. “Turn around, Janel.”