Page 107 of Kian
A lot changed over the months. I worried I would lose my job and my scholarship for school, but I was reassured by both that my positions were still there whenever I could return to normalcy.
Erica laughed when she found out I wanted to return to being Escape’s hostess. She shook her head and waved her finger at me, saying, “If you think you’re going to be a hostess again, you’re not looking around you, Jordan. You’re a full-blown celebrity. The attention hasn’t faded, and I don’t think it ever will, especially because you don’t want this. That’s so obvious.” She’d grunted in laughter. “I swear, that makes the public love you even more.”
I sighed when she said my name.
There were still some mix-ups with her, Wanker, and even Jake. They all started to say Jo first, faltered, then attached the rest of my name. This was the first time Jordan came easily from Erica’s lips, and it brought tears to my eyes. It felt like a part of my old life was still there, with me. It was like my old self hadn’t completely vanished.
And Erica said my name now, she beamed at me.
My mouth dropped.
She wasn’t alone. An entire group of people stood behind her. Wanker was next to Erica, smiling, as he readjusted his glasses. Jake was behind them alongside Tara, who gave me a tentative wave and smile.
I gazed around the group.
My old boss, Paul, was standing to the side. Bruce, the bartender, lifted his drink in the air. Even Henry was there. He was standing next to the bar. There was no welcome on his face though. He had a glazed look in his eyes, and his mouth was twisted, so he was half-smiling and half-frowning. Bruce noticed the look and cleared his throat. When Henry glanced to him, Bruce gave me a pointed look. Henry’s eyes widened, and a forced smile was plastered over his face right away. He was dressed in Escape’s uniform. A tray was set on the bar between Bruce and him, and I realized then that he wasn’t there for the party, whatever party it was. He was there to work.
Genuine laughter bubbled up then.
Henry had to serve me. I was going to make his night hell. Well, I’d make him take a few drinks back to the bar for me. Bruce would know it had nothing to do with the drinks but making Henry sweat a bit. My former work nemesis had it coming.
Erica came up to hug me then, whispering, “Happy birthday!” She squeezed me harder. “Kian told us your real birthday date.”
“Oh.” I laughed lightly. That’d been another lie from me. New person, new life, even a new birthday. “If it makes you feel better, I forgot it was my birthday today.”
Pulling back, she gripped my hand. “Don’t forget some things, not the important things. You don’t have to hide anymore, Jordan.”
I held her hand back. “Thank you.” I meant it.
A wave of emotions rose up in my throat, choking me, but she moved aside. Wanker was next, then Jake, and finally, Tara, who seemed tentative while hugging me. Her body relaxed when I hugged her back.
Before she stepped to the side, she said, “I know Jake told you, but I wanted to tell you myself. Susan and I aren’t friends anymore. I just wanted you to know.”
I nodded. “Thank you.”
Susan hadn’t gone away like I hoped. Even though everyone got over the fact that I’d been right under the paper’s nose, Susan hadn’t. She was trying to dig up any dirt she could on me, despite that everyone knew my worst secret—Edmund. That wasn’t good enough for her.
I was worried about how far she would go, and I told Kian, too, after receiving an ominous email from an unknown address the other night.
It said, You’ll pay.
Kian’s private detective found the computer it was sent from—one of the paper’s computers, and the most obvious person who sent it was Susan.
Kian reassured me Susan would be taken care of. When my eyebrows arched up at those words, he gave me a small grin before placing a tender kiss on my forehead. He added, his lips a caress before he pulled away, “Not in that way, but she will be handled. She can’t hurt you. I won’t let her.”
I hadn’t asked, and I hadn’t heard from Susan again, but one never knew with her.
“I’ll admit…” Snark stepped in front of me, bringing me back to the present. Folding me in his arms, he held me for a second before letting go. “I wasn’t a fan of your boyfriend, but he’s grown on me.”
I glanced over my shoulder. Kian had migrated to the back corner. He saw me looking for him and gave me a reassuring nod. Paul stepped toward him, and Kian’s attention was pulled toward my old boss.