Page 12 of Afterburn
That was a true statement. The few times I’d considered trying to get in her pants, the kids were in the apartment. Though they were asleep, I didn’t want to run the risk of one or both of them waking up and catching us in the act. Joan had no local friends or family and barely associated with co-workers—other than me—so whenever we went out, the kids always tagged along.
Joan got on her knees and started unbuttoning her blouse. “The kids aren’t here now. We’re all alone and we can do whatever pleases us.”
I stared at her. She was beautiful but I wasn’t sure sleeping with her was the right thing to do. I hadn’t been truthful about my age. She and I could never have a serious relationship because of the age difference and the fact that I wasn’t ready to be anyone’s daddy. I was going away to college soon and the thing between us would undoubtedly have to end. Yet, I yearned to experience sex and Joan was willing to experience it with me.
I’d been jacking off regularly since the Angel mishap, looking at pornos and dirty magazines, so I could build up my stamina and hold out longer when I did actually have sex. I’d come so quickly from that blow job that I was determined that sisters wouldn’t crack on me throughout life for busting nuts within seconds. I felt like it was time. When Joan removed her shirt, then her bra, I realized it was definitely time.
We made love—not fucked—by the fire. Joan rode me first, nice and slow, and my dick caught the rhythm with her pussy muscles contracting up and down my shaft. I was swollen with pride when I lasted and lasted and lasted. The art of masturbation had paid off. It took me at least thirty minutes to achieve a full-blown orgasm. I got the feeling she had several.
After a brief rest, Joan rubbed me to stiffness again and I entered her from behind. The brothers had all been right; there was nothing like hitting it doggy-style. Not only did it allow for deeper penetration but the view of a woman’s ass, so round and scrumptious, bouncing around in the air while she moans with delight, is incredible. One of the men’s magazines I subscribed to had recently done a poll of the favorite sexual positions of men. Doggy-style had won out by a higher percentage and now it had my vote also.
I felt guilty later on that night when I had to leave Joan. She begged me to spend the night with her; especially since the kids were away. It had never come up before. I don’t think she would’ve allowed me to stay the entire night while they were around. She’d mentioned that she didn’t let men do that since her divorce because she didn’t want them to get too attached or misconstrue the situation. She’d admittedly had lovers but nothing serious.
“I have to go, Joan,” I told her, getting up from the living room floor and getting dressed.
“But we haven’t done it in my bedroom yet,” she stated suggestively. “We have free reign of the house. We can really get a workout.”
“I don’t know quite how to tell you this, but…”
She got up, still nude, and wrapped her arms around my neck. “But what, baby?…”
“You know I live with my parents, right?” I asked her.
“Yes, and that’s cool. I lived with mine until I got married.”
I let out a nervous chuckle. “Yeah, but I need to get home.”
“It’s eleven forty-five.”
Then she threw her head back in laughter. “So?”
“So, I have a midnight curfew,” I blurted out. She let go of me. “Think about it, Joan. Since we’ve been dating, have you ever seen me after midnight?”
Because the kids were always out with us, we never stayed out late and I would always stay only a few minutes once we came back. Long enough to make out on the couch, get hard, and then excuse myself.
She still didn’t get it. “Why would you have a midnight curfew? At your age?”
I lowered my head in shame as I finished getting dressed. “That’s the point, Joan. I’m only seventeen.”
“Wha…Wha…Wha…” She was really struggling. Then I spotted it; a flicker of anger in her eyes. “What did you just say to me? You’re only seventeen!”
“I’m sorry, Joan. I should’ve
told you.” She hauled off and slapped me across my chin. “Damn, not again!” I exclaimed, remembering Roxie doing the same thing a year earlier.
Joan stood there, in the middle of the floor, butt ass naked, gasping for air.
I kissed her on the cheek. “I really have to go. Can we discuss this later?”
She still wouldn’t speak to me. I glanced at my watch and realized I’d be grounded if I wasn’t back in Silver Spring in ten minutes and it was a twenty-minute drive. Not only did my parents impose a midnight curfew but so did the local police. On a provisional license, I couldn’t be out on the road after midnight; for any reason.
I kissed Joan on the cheek and left. In the car on the way home, I was listening to the latest Tupac CD and thinking about the situation. I really should’ve come clean about my age up front, but what was done was done. I didn’t mean to hurt her but I’d placed her in an uncomfortable position.
My mother gave me a fifteen-minute lecture when I arrived home late and then went upstairs to watch the late news. I got into bed and mulled over my first sexual experience. I was pleased but was Joan? Once again, I’d hurt a woman; something I’d never planned to do ever again.
The following Monday at work, Joan avoided me for the first seven hours of her shift. I cornered her in the nurses’ lounge and made my best attempt at an apology. It didn’t work. She sat there and glared at me while I explained how attracted I’d been to her, how friendly she’d been to me, and how the lie seemed to gestate itself into more lies as time went along.