Page 70 of Afterburn
I was on the brink of tears. “No man’s ever talked to me like that before.”
“Like I said, their stupidity and their loss.”
“Well, I wouldn’t want you to lose out on the cherry action,” I said, trying to lighten the mood. “Let me taste my dick.”
I had him sit on the same towel and I poured the sweet cherry juice all over his dick, which was sticking straight up in the air. I placed one cherry on top of it and then pretended that I was enjoying an ice cream cone. It was ten times better than the death by chocolate flavor I was addicted to. This was a new kind of chocolate and I was addicted to it already.
Yardley moaned loudly as some precum squirted out the head of his dick. I took him deep inside my mouth and devoured it. “Um, I think the pain in my mouth is gone.”
He laughed and propped himself on his elbows so he could watch me enjoy him. I stared at him. There’s something about watching the expression on a man’s face while you suck his dick. Some of them squeeze their eyes shut like they can hardly take it, some of them give you this evil glare like they really want to strangle you but can’t because they’re frozen in ecstasy, and some of them look at you the way Yardley was looking at me; with eyes that let a sister know how much they appreciate you going down on them.
Yardley started running his fingers gently through my hair and that turned me on even more. “What about that other pain?” he asked, referring to my pussy. “Did I help that out?”
I paused for a second, let his dick exit my mouth and gave him a hand job, letting my grip replace the pressure my cheeks had been putting on it.
“You prepped it for surgery.”
“Is that right?”
“Uh-huh, now I think it’s time for you to operate, Doctor.” I licked a trail from his belly button up the center of his chest as I moved my hips into position over his dick, which was still holding steady. I marinated my pussy lips with the head and the cherry juice that remained. “One thing, though,” I added.
He knew what I was talking about. “In my right pants pocket.”
I lifted his pants off the floor and got the small box of three condoms out his pocket. I took one of them out, ripped the packet open, and propped it on my lips. Then I did something I’d seen on television once and put the condom on his dick with my mouth.
I was about to climb on him when he said, “Wait.”
“We don’t want to wait too long.” I slid my wrist up and down the rubber. “I want to take full advantage of the situation.”
“I need to know one thing, Rayne.”
“What’s that?” I asked.
“Tonight means something to you, right? I mean, you’re not going to sleep with me and then disappear out of my life. Are you?”
“No, I have no intention of doing that, Yardley. This is happening fast, you know? We’ve only been dating a few weeks.”
“But it seems like much longer to me.”
I had to be honest. “It seems that way to me, too. Let’s see what happens. Tomorrow’s not promised to anyone so let’s take it day by day.”
“Tomorrow’s not promised; this much is true. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t look into the future; our future.”
“Yardley, you’re the most special man I’ve ever met. I agree that we’ve been placed together, in this space, in this time, for a reason. I won’t run away before we figure out what that reason is.” I picked up the jar of cherries and poured all of them, the remaining juice and all, over the rubber on his dick. “Right now, let’s make some cherry smash.”
We both laughed as I mounted him. The sensation of the cherries mixing between us was tickling me. We both came numerous times throughout the night. When Yardley took me from behind, it was so intense—or maybe my feelings were—that I screamed out in bed for the very first time.
It started raining and we opened the windows to let the fresh air in. We laid there, for what seemed like an eternity, with me on my back and his dick inside me. There were no words spoken between us; we spoke only with our eyes. Tears started streaking down Yardley’s left cheek and he shuddered. There it was, in those mesmerizing eyes; love.
She’d actually made me do it. Rayne Waters had made me cry during sex. It wasn’t because she’d pussy-whipped me or anything like that. Most brothers swear that’s the only thing that could make them lose it. Up until then, I’d felt the same way. But it wasn’t a pussy-whipping that made me cry. It was love. I was in love with her. I wasn’t sure what the other women had been to me anymore. Some of them I’d thought I was in love with. Obviously it was something beneath that; powerful lust maybe.
I couldn’t believe that I’d opened up so much to her that night; even though I was expecting Valentine’s Day to be special. It was almost as if I was begging her to be with me. Rayne had some serious issues she needed to overcome; I could see that. I was going to help her work through them. After all, a person’s thoughts and emotional tendencies are a culmination of everything they’ve ever seen or experienced. No one knew that better than me. Rayne didn’t trust men but I was determined that she would trust me.
Saturday morning the fellas and I were all present and accounted for on the court. It was getting colder and soon we’d have to give it up until the spring. Indoor basketball wasn’t an option for us. We liked being out in the open, doing our thing. So for a few months a year, we’d hibernate. We’d still hang out from time to time but not every Saturday. We’d bullshit around playing poker for phony money because I didn’t believe in gambling. I’d been to Atlantic City a few times and to Las Vegas once on business and it amazed me how people would sit glued to the same slot machine or blackjack table for hours at a time; steadily losing money. What really tripped me out is that as loud as casinos are because of the machines and hustle and bustle, the one thing you rarely heard in there was laughter. People would sit there with these deadpan expressions on their faces, stressing over something they clearly chose to engage in.