Page 74 of Afterburn
“Swing as in fuck around, participate in orgies, get your freak on,” Momma chastised.
“That’s it!” I stood up, threw my napkin on the table, walked around to the other side and pulled Momma up by the elbow. “You’re coming with me.”
“But the party’s just getting started, baby!”
I pushed Momma down into the basement and blessed her out with every word I could think of. She sat there, on the arm of a recliner, pretending like she was bored and picking specks of dirt out of her nails.
“Now you’re going to take your ass back up there and apologize to Yardley’s parents or else,” I stated vehemently, ending my lecture.
“Or else what, Rayne? You gonna spank me?” Momma asked sarcastically.
“No, I’m not going to spank you, Momma; no more than you’re ever going to spank me again.” I got close enough to her to smell the wine on her breath. “If you don’t make amends for your actions here tonight, I’m putting you on the first thing smoking back to Alabama and I’m never going to speak to you again.”
Momma was shook. I had her. “Rayne, I was only having a little fun; trying to lighten the mood.”
“You haven’t lightened a damn thing, Momma. You’ve disrespected me, you’ve disrespected Yardley and his parents, and most importantly, you’ve disrespected yourself here tonight. I’m trying to build something real with this man, Momma. Something that will last. You will not ruin it for me.”
Momma rolled her eyes and sat there in silence for a few minutes.
Yardley opened the door and peeked down at us. “Is everything all right, Rayne?”
“No,” I said. “But you knew that already.”
He came down the steps and put his arms around my waist from behind. I allowed my head to rest against his shoulder. I was so sick of Momma’s antics. I’d left Alabama to get away from them and now she’d transported the shit across state lines.
Yardley kissed the top of my head. “It’s okay, baby. I’ve explained things to my folks and they’re cool. Let’s head on back into town so I can get you home.”
“How are your parents ever going to accept me, Yardley? Knowing where I come from, meeting Momma, how will they ever think I’m good enough for you?”
“Rayne,” Momma suddenly said. “You’re good enough for everybody. Don’t ever forget that. My mistakes have been my mistakes. You shouldn’t have to pay for them.”
I glared into her gray eyes. “Then why must you act out in front of everyone I care about?”
“You’re right, Rayne. I went too far tonight.” She headed up the steps. “I’m gonna handle this. I’m gonna make things right for you, baby.”
I was too humiliated to go back upstairs right away. I couldn’t imagine what Momma was up there saying to Yardley’s parents. As far as I was concerned, the damage had already been done.
Yardley embraced me and planted kisses on my fingertips, one at a time. “Rayne, I don’t expect you to say anything back after I say what I’m about to say. You don’t need to feel obligated.”
“Obligated about what?” I asked, my interest piqued.
“I’m in love with you, Rayne Waters.”
I exhaled. It was like a weight had been lifted off my heart.
“I love you, too, Yardley.”
“Shh.” He placed his index finger on my lips. “I told you that you don’t have to feel obligated to return the feelings.”
I took both of his hands into mine and gave him a peck on the lips. “I’m not returning the feelings out of obligation. I’m returning them because they’re real.”
Then our kiss began. Yardley pushed me back into the downstairs hall, out of range for someone to open the doors and see us from the stairs. We made out and got lost in time. I almost forgot we were in his parents’ home.
“Rayne, you down there!” Momma yelled, disturbing our flow.
“Yes, Momma,” I responded.
“Come on back up,” she said.