Page 33 of Addicted
I watched him walk into the kitchen and then took a quick survey of his place. It was awesome. I assumed he was buying the space, because just about every wall had a mural on it. They were all magnificent, and he had a set of crates covered with black velvet in one corner. I figured they were used for people to sit on and pose while he spent hours on end painting their portraits.
I noticed there was a canvas on the easel and decided to be nosy. I went over, lifted up the oilcloth covering the piece, and looked at it. I was surprised to discover it was a portrait of the governor. The state must have commissioned him to do it for the state capitol building. Quinton made him appear so lifelike, it was unreal.
The studio was located on the top floor of an old department-store warehouse downtown, which had been renovated and turned into huge lofts. There was only one other tenant on his floor, located at the other end of the hall.
“Hmm, inquisitive too. I like that in a woman.” I didn’t notice he had returned with a steaming hot mug of coffee in his hand.
“Sorry.” I replaced the cloth. “I guess I was a bit out of line. It could’ve been a portrait of your woman or something like that.”
“Well, for future reference, I don’t have a woman.” He started looking me up and down again. “At least, not yet.”
I turned toward the window, away from him, so he wouldn’t see me grinning from ear to ear. “Oh, wow!”
“Oh wow, what?”
I walked closer to the window so I could get a better look. “The mural you painted at the MARTA station. It’s right across the street.”
“Yes, it is. In fact, that’s how I came across this condo. They were renovating the building while I was working on the mural, and well, you know the rest.”
“Cool. I didn’t realize you were right across from it. I go there a lot and eat lunch, but I approach it from another direction.”
He took a sip of his coffee, so close to me by that time, I could hear him gulp it down. “Why do you go there and eat lunch? I didn’t know they had a restaurant over there. Unless you include the hot dog vendors on the corner.”
I giggled and looked back at him. The sunlight was hitting his green eyes, and I almost fainted . “Very cute! No, they don’t have a restaurant. It’s just that my office is not that far away, and I love the mural, so I walk over here and eat the lunch I bring from home. Walking is good exercise.”
“From where I’m sitting, you don’t need any exercise.”
“Well, since you’re standing and not sitting, I’ll take that as an almost compliment.” I brushed past him, catching a whiff of his aftershave and the soap residue left over from a shower he obviously took before my arrival. “Shall we get down to business?”
I sat down on the sofa, opened my briefcase, and started pulling out the presentation folder I had rushed to prepare that morning, since I had no idea he would agree to see me the very next day after we met.
“Hold up.” He put his hand on top of mine, pushing the folder back into the briefcase. “Basically, you want to take some of my works, turn them into marketable, affordable prints, and then sell them through your arts business?”
“Yes, that’s exactly what I want to do. Now, if you’ll allow me to show you some figures I worked out, we can—”
“Don’t worry about it. I trust you, and we can do this.”
“Huh?” I was shocked. “You’re agreeing to it just like that?”
“Yes. I made some phone calls last night and checked you out. It’s all good. Anyway, I’ve been thinking of doing a venture like this for quite some time.”
I was ecstatic and had to keep myself from jumping up and doing cartwheels. “Well, I don’t know what to say.”
“Say it’s a deal, and we can work on all the figures at a later date.”
I reached for his hand to shake it. “Deal!” He held true to form and kissed it instead.
“Well, I’m sure you have a lot to do today, so I’ll get out of your way. Thanks so much for the opportunity to market your work for you.”
I closed my briefcase and got up, headed for the door. He followed me, grabbing me by the elbow and swinging me around. “Just a sec. Why are you always running away from me?”
“I’m not running! Don’t be ridiculous!” Damn shame he was so right! “I just know you have things to do.” I pointed to the canvas on the easel. “Like painting the governor and awesome things like that.”
“Hmm, well, you know, you’re not the first person who has asked me to do this whole business thing.”
I had never thought of it that way. A man as talented as he was must have received offers on a daily basis. I looked him in his sexy, mesmerizing eyes and asked, “Then why did you tell me yes?”
He started pressing up against me, and I backed up until I ran out of space and my ass was pinned against the door. “Zoe, I was hoping you would do something for me as well.”