Page 39 of Purple Panties
My mouth dropped. Where in the hell had Darryl found a nurse-maid? It was 2007, not 1807! Darryl explained that Uma had just delivered a stillborn child, was single, alone, and needed a job. And according to him, Uma had told him it was the easiest money she’d ever earn.
All I know is, at Thor’s first squall, she’d opened her shirt, positioned his lips and that was that—the beginning of the unraveling of my well-ordered life.
I stared into the darkness, restless, unable to sleep in the wee hours when I heard Thor’s, “Uma, thuck.” A flash sweat coated my skin. The covers were slowly shifted from my body and, millimeter by millimeter, I rolled out of the bed, and tiptoed to Uma’s bedroom door.
From the nightlight in her room—placed there for Thor—I could see him already nestled in the crook of her arm. Slurps and smacks reached my ears, telling me he was already suckling. My pussy juice factory revved to life; sent backup hormone to my now throbbing clit.
I was jealous and turned on. I’d once asked Uma how she felt when Thor was sucking. “Like breathing. It’s as natural as breathing,” she’d answered. Watching them, I believed her.
I listened until I couldn’t stand it any longer. I tipped back to my bedroom, eased into the bed and ran heated hands over Darryl’s belly, licked his neck.
“Quit.” He swatted at my hand in his underwear. “I’m tired.” And rolled over, pulling the covers tightly to his body.
That’s my line.
I stared at his handsome features, sexual tension making me bold. I tried to slide my hand between his waist and elbow and was met with a not so pleasant squeeze of my fingers. “Stop it. I’ve got a big meeting in the morning and I’ve got to get my sleep.”
Rebuffed, I sat back, continued to stare at the back of his head. No, I tried to will him to fuck me by employing my never-before-used telepathic powers until I heard his snores. I looked down at my chest. It was flat as a pubescent boy’s with two stiff points relieving it. I cupped the bullets, pulled at the center, wishing for the thousandth time I’d been the lucky chick whose boob cup had runneth over. Resigned to not getting any cock, I let my fingers slide into my panties, imprinted Uma’s orbs on my mind, while I mashed and stroked my clit until my eyeballs rolled inside my head as the powerful orgasm fried my brain cells.
Another day, another episode of hide-and-peek for me. But the solution to my problem had finally come in my post-orgasmic high: Uma had to go.
I’d broached the subject tentatively earlier this morning. I’d suggested to Darryl that we wean Thor from Uma. My thirst for the taboo grew daily and I was valiantly trying to hold onto the tenuous thread, the last remnant of my sanity. Besides, Thor was two and had ten teeth to boot. It was time.
Darryl gave me a lazy, irritated look, continuing to pull his tie around his collar before he spoke. “Why would we do that? Hell, Thor is bigger than any other two-year-old we know, he never gets colds, so what harm can it do?”
“It’s time,” I repeated again, jaw tight from the effort to not scream the words at him.
“Naw. I could see if he was five and going to pre-K or something and had to be weaned, but otherwise, I say let him continue to nurse and we’ll revisit this again when he turns three.”
Seven whole months away! Who knew what compartment of Hell I would have secured for my soul in that time?
He gave me the perfunctory marital kiss before heading out the door. The topic was finished as far as he was concerned.
Now, I sat tense as a cornered cat, waiting for Thor’s little feet and voice. I didn’t have to wait long. It was less than a half hour before he shuffled down the hallway, rubbing sleepy eyes. He glanced my way and I motioned him over for a hug. Baby stink breath floated up my nose as I clutched him to my flat chest, wanting his hands to seek my comfort; need me. After a quick tickle session, he wriggled from my lap in search of what he truly wanted.
“Uma, thuck.”
I slunk behind the doorway and positioned myself just so. I knew Uma was well aware I watched them, yet I needed to deny this urge, this thirst which had rapidly magnified into a fetish. I slid my eyes around the door jam and stopped. Today, Uma sat facing me; waiting for me. I stood enthralled as Thor patted her hand as she unzipped her shirt slowly, eyes never leaving mine.
There was no bra.
I squeezed my thighs together as the huge globes spilled into view. Uma lifted the mountainous tissue to meet Thor’s darting tongue and he dipped his head, mouth covering the center of the dark circle. My womb squeezed and released. Milk pooled and ran rivulets down her breast before dripping onto the floor. My nipples blossomed, chest constricted on my lungs. I felt dizzy, the air too dense to breath.
Uma’s cat grin greeted me as I composed myself. Her hand held the free orb, and as I watched, she expressed milk. The beads of white moved me to my soul. My tongue unconsciously flicked out of my mouth, sensing the air; preparing for the offered forbidden feast.
“Ow!” Uma’s yelped broke me from my trance. “You bit me!”
She had rescued the injured nipple and I could see the indentations of Thor’s teeth from where I stood. I winced for her.
Uma slid him from her lap, half-fed, and said, “Why don’t you go watch Power Rangers?”
Thor’s little head nodded. Uma patted him on the bottom and he trotted away, legs churning as he headed toward the den on the other side of the house. I followed in his wake, wanting to make sure his television experience was all it should be. Once I’d slid the DVD in and modulated the volume, I retraced my steps back to the kitchen.
Uma stood by the sink, water running, band aids and triple antibiotic ointment on the counter beside her. She turned as I entered. My eyes immediately fell to the objects of my obsession—one slightly deflated, the other appeared swollen enough to burst if so much as pricked with a pin.
“That must hurt,” I managed to eke out.
“Yes, it does.” She nodded. “Since your little man got teeth, it’s happening more and more often. Soon, I’ll have to wean him. Ouch!” Uma cried out as she pressed the wet paper towel over her injured flesh.