Page 153 of Punk 57
“Did you ask her why she left?”
“No.” I sit against the wall in Annie’s room with Ryen resting against me between my legs.
“You’re not curious about her reasoning?” she presses. “How she would justify it?”
“I used to wonder. But now I… I don’t know.” It’s not that that I don’t care, but…“If someone doesn’t want us, we need to stop wanting them. I used to tell myself that, and now I believe it,” I tell her. “It’s not so hard, facing her and walking away. If she wanted to explain, she would’ve. If she could’ve, she would’ve. She didn’t chase after me. She knows how to find me if she wants to.”
Ryen smoothes her hands down Annie’s blue scarf. “So that’s why you were in Falcon’s Well.”
“Yeah. She had the watch. An heirloom gifted by my father’s father for her and my dad at their wedding,” I say, burying my nose in her hair. “Family tradition dictates it goes to the first-born son. She took it when she left—maybe to spite my dad or pawn it for money if she needed—but somehow she ended up giving it to Trey.”
“You must’ve hated her for that.”
“I already hated her,” I shoot back. “That hurt, though. She’d already abandoned us. How could she steal one more thing—especially something that rightfully belonged to me?”
She was selfish and spiteful, and maybe she isn’t the same person now that she was then, but I’m not waiting for her like Annie did. I hug Ryen close. This, right here, is everything. I can’t wait to live all the days I’m going to live with her. We’re going to have a hell of a lot of fun.
Especially since I no longer have to worry about that cocksucker at school with her for the rest of the year. She got a text from Ten earlier, saying he heard that the superintendent stepped in and forbade Trey from stepping foot on school grounds until everything clears up. And since a few students are pressing charges, for the photos and various assaults, it looks like the next several months of Trey’s life will be spent in court.
Ryen stands and pulls me up, both of us trailing out of the room. I’d come in here to put Annie’s locket and photo album back. There had also been letters with the album in the envelope I’d taken from our mother’s office, too. Annie didn’t tell me she’d written her, just that she’d sent her a photo album of her pics and stuff. She made sure to leave photos of me out of it, though. She knew I wouldn’t have liked that.
Maybe I shouldn’t have taken the album and letters. After our mother never showed up to the funeral, though, I just didn’t want her to have anything of Annie’s.
But Annie gave them to her, I guess. It was her wish our mother have those things.
If she wants the envelope back, she can have it. But she has to come and ask.
I close the door quietly behind me and walk into my room, seeing Ryen sitting on the bed, reading a piece of paper.
“What’s this?” she asks.
I look down at the white paper. “It’s a letter.”
She folds it up and sets it down. “Well, I didn’t read it or anything, but it could be an offer to talk about a recording contract.” She smirks. “And there’s several more there.” She points to the bedside table. “I didn’t read those, either, but I was wondering if maybe they could be letters of interest, too. I’ll bet some well-connected dudes have seen Cipher Core’s YouTube videos and want to talk.”
They don’t want Cipher Core. They want me, and I don’t want to leave my band.
I plop down on the bed and pull her back, tickling her. “The only things I want to do are things that won’t take me away from you. Understand?”
She laughs, squirming and trying to stop me.
“Well, college isn’t far off!” she giggles, slapping my hands away. “I’ll be leaving. And I looked at your band’s Facebook page. They have tour dates up for this summer.”
“It’s just bullshit dives and fairs and festivals.” I climb on top of her, straddling her and pulling her arms up over her head.
“But that sounds amazing.”
I stick my tongue out and lean down, trying to touch her nose.
“Are you five?” she squeals, flopping her body and attempting to buck me off.
I dart in, licking the tip of her nose. She winces and shakes her head rapidly so I won’t get a second shot in.
I chuckle, releasing her hands. “Honestly, I don’t know why Dane still has that shit up. I told him I wasn’t going.”
“Yes, you are.”
I climb off her. “Ryen, I—”