Page 13 of The Prey
“Yeah, that’s it,” DJ urged breathlessly, apparently mistaking her movement for something positive. “See, I knew you could get into it if you just relaxed, babe.” Finally, with a loud groan and single hard thrust that made her fall forward onto the bed, DJ let go of her hips and lay atop her like a beached whale, his sweaty body hot against her skin.
She shifted slightly beneath him, relieved when his cock finally slipped from inside her. He rolled to his side next to her and lifted his arms behind his head with a satisfied sigh. Looking at her in the mirror on the ceiling, he said, “Go get a warm washcloth and clean me up, bitch.”
Glad to get away from him, Mara rolled from the bed and went into the bathroom. She found a washcloth in a cabinet and turned on the tap, soaking the cloth and adding soap. Gingerly, she touched her asshole, which was sore but not bleeding. Relieved, she gently wiped herself clean with the soapy cloth as best she could.
“Did you fall in or what?” DJ called out. “Get in here.”
Dropping the used washcloth in the sink, Mara hurriedly dried herself. She grabbed a fresh washcloth, ran it under the tap and brought it out to the big, naked man sprawled on the bed, along with a hand towel. She started to sit on the bed beside him, but he stopped her. “Unh-uh,” he said with a shake of his head. “Climb between my legs. I want to watch your tits bounce while you clean me off.”
Mara moved to the end of the bed and crawled onto the mattress as ordered, too defeated to even take much offense at his crudeness. She did her best to ignore his leer as she wiped and dried his now flaccid cock and hairy balls. A knock at the door made them both look in that direction.
“Yeah?” DJ called out.
“You about ready?”
“Sure thing, Dad. I’ll send her right out.” Turning back to Mara, DJ said, “I’m gonna take a little snooze. Hand me my shorts.”
Mara climbed off the bed and picked up DJ’s shorts. As she did, she wondered if the knife he’d used to cut off her clothing was in one of the pockets. Did she dare search for it? And then what?
DJ was staring at her as if reading her intent on her face. “Hand ’em over.” He reached for the shorts, yanking them from her grasp. Putting his hand into a pocket, he pulled out a door key and held it out to Mara. She took the key, wincing as he added, “You have a nice, tight asshole. I’ll definitely be using it again.”
Biting back a scathing retort, Mara turned toward the door.
“Hey!” DJ said. “You forgot to thank me.”
Mara stopped in her tracks. Was he kidding? Thank you for raping me, you sweaty, disgusting pig. Mara turned the key in the lock with a shaking hand.
“I said”—DJ’s voice was hard now and he spoke with exaggerated slowness—“you forgot to thank me.”
They’re just words. Nothing more. Mara forced herself to turn and face him. “Thank you, DJ,” she managed to say between clenched teeth.
“You’re welcome, babe. It was a pleasure. But you know what they say, with the pleasure comes the pain.” He barked a short laugh. “That’s Alex’s department. A few hours with him, and you’ll be missing me. That’s a promise.”
Chapter 3
Mara kept her eyes squeezed tight. Her lungs ached and she couldn’t hold out much longer. When Alex finally yanked her head up by the hair, she opened her mouth wide, gasping as she inhaled the wonderful, life-giving air. Before she could close her mouth again, he shoved her head back into the bucket. The foul, cold saltwater pooled in her mouth and burned inside her nostrils.
She struggled against the iron hand holding her under. The concrete floor was hard beneath her knees. Her hands were bound in Velcro cuffs behind her back, strong legs holding her in place on either side of her body. How easy it would be to just suck in the seawater, to let it fill her lungs and drown her misery. If she couldn’t get away from her tormentors by running, she could make the ultimate escape.
She tried to summon the courage to let go. Maybe there really was a heaven, and her parents were waiting there for her, arms open to enfold her. It would be so easy—just let go…
No, stay in there and fight, baby. You’re a Stevens—we never give up. Her father’s voice sounded so clearly in her head that she startled. Empowered by his presence inside her, she kept her lips sealed tight as her heart pumped with mad, furious desperation.
Finally he pulled her up again. The water streamed down her face and stung her eyes. Mara sucked in as much air as she could through her nostrils but kept her mouth closed in anticipation of the next plunge. To her vast relief, Alex let go of her hair and hauled her to her feet, where she swayed.