Page 27 of The Prey
Alex held up the blade. “Looks like a real knife, doesn’t it?” He ran his finger lightly along the edge of the blade. “As you saw, or rather, felt, this is actually an electro-shock device. I do like the elegant design, and it delivers a powerful charge.”
He touched the blade to her second breast, and another shock zipped painfully through her. She struggled for breath through dilated nostrils, tears welling in her eyes. Watching her face, Alex moved the blade a hair’s breadth from her skin, drawing it slowly down her torso without actually touching until she was trembling from head to toe.
The blade finally made contact on her inner thigh. Mara convulsed, her muscles contracting, her heart working overtime. The phalluses in her ass and pussy continued to vibrate, and, in spite of his repeatedly shocking the tender flesh of her inner thighs, her clit was pulsing, her body coiled for an orgasm.
All at once, a seismic tremor moved through her body, a powerful climax taking her over, even as electric shocks danced and crackled over her flesh. It was too much, the pleasure and the pain a tumbling tumult of sensation overload. “No!” she screamed from behind the gag, the sound a muted, phlegmy plea.
“Open your eyes.” The voice sounded as if it were far away, the words garbled. The words were repeated, louder and clearer this time.
Mara forced her heavy lids to lift. She must have blacked out for a few seconds, because the dildos were no longer vibrating, though they were still firmly lodged inside her. Alex’s face appeared in front of her. Crouching between her spread thighs, he smiled. “I’m pleased with your reactions. You show definite potential. Shall I remove the gag?”
Mara nodded vigorously. Alex rose and moved behind her. After a moment the gag was pulled from her aching jaws. She moved her tongue experimentally and licked her lips. She longed to wipe away the strings of drool that coated her chin and dribbled down her chest, but was grateful at least to have the horrible thing out of her mouth.
Alex returned to stand in front of her. “Now the clamps.” Leaning down, he reached for her tortured breasts. Mara instinctively sucked in her breath and squeezed her eyes closed in anxious anticipation.
“Open your eyes,” Alex commanded. “Keep them on me. Don’t blink. Don’t move. Accept the pain as my gift to you. Embrace it. Welcome it. Become it.”
Mara tried to gird herself as she focused on the deep, cold pools of his soulless green eyes. She winced and drew in a ragged breath as both clamps were released at once. Though she’d promised herself to stay silent, she couldn’t stop the yelp of pain as the blood came rushing back into her aching nipples.
Blinking back tears, she focused once more on the room beyond the two-way mirror, surprised to see it had emptied, except for Dawn, who sat at the bar, a tall, iced drink in front of her as she tapped something onto her smart phone.
“The men have made their choices already,” Alex said. “You were rather”—he paused, lifting his eyebrows, his lips curving into a mean smile—“occupied.”
Mara thought about the men and women, now presumably paired off, save for Harvey, who chose two. “Please,” she dared, both terrified and desperate to know. “What happened to Sam? Where is she?”
Alex frowned. “Sam is no longer on the island. Occasionally we get a girl who refuses to obey, to learn, to adapt, despite my giving them every opportunity to correct their behavior. Sam was such a girl.” His expression darkened. “She was damaged goods and had to be disposed of.”
Mara’s gut clenched into a hard ball, her skin suddenly clammy, her heart skipping in an irregular beat. “What did you do to her?” she whispered, fearing the worst.
“She was sold,” Alex said brusquely. “You will not speak of Sam again, not to me or anyone else. She is a closed subject.” He flicked the wall switch, turning the glass back to mirror. Placing his hands on the back of the bondage chair, he used his foot to release the wheel brakes. Swiveling the chair, he pushed Mara along the floor toward the opposite mirrored wall, settling her in front of it.
“We put Lucas in the Gold Room. He is, of course, unaware he is being observed. The sen—uh, Lucas always chooses Joanie. Joanie is an excellent and obedient submissive. You would do well to emulate her.”
Alex touched the wall switch and the lights dimmed once more, the mirror turning to clear glass. The room looked like any luxury hotel suite, complete with a king-size bed, a huge flat-screen TV, a long, shiny mahogany bureau-desk combination, and sliding glass doors beyond through which the sand and ocean beckoned like a distant, impossible dream. It didn’t seem right, somehow, that the sun was shining outside, when Mara was caught in this bizarre, terrifying nightmare.