Page 19 of Promised by Post
He stepped forward, and she stepped back. He continued his instructions, but she needed little guidance. She flowed in his arms as if they were of one mind. He whirled her around and caught her again. Then he swept her backward in a slow circular motion. She felt so right in his arms, and the way she stared up at him heated him even more. He swung her closer and caught his breath as her breasts brushed his chest. A thousand flaming arrows of desire shot to his groin.
He had to stop thinking of her that way.
“The dance floor is quite crowded today,” he said.
“Is it?” she murmured.
“You’re doing good,” he said in what he hoped was an encouraging tone.
“And no toes have been trod upon yet,” she said brightly. “I don’t think the music box is playing anymore.”
She entranced him. But he had to remember he was doing this so Rafael could ride up as if he’d been out all day. “I’d sing, but I don’t know the words,” he said.
“Perhaps you should sing of Spanish ladies and chivalry.”
“Do you need soothing, Anna?” He needed soothing. Perhaps Juanita needed more sound to cover what she was doing.
“Perhaps, but I should think not exactly like the cattle do.”
He smiled and launched into a song in Spanish. He stopped moving them in a waltz count and merely swayed back and forth with her. He could barely manage that.
She stared up at him, her eyes liquid and her kissable lips parting. She clung to his shoulders, and he had to keep singing or he’d kiss her or carry her inside and not stop until he had her on his bed.
A horse whinnied, and she jumped.
A much-needed reminder that the world had not gone away. He was distracting her so she wouldn’t see the horse being led around back for Rafael. She turned to look.
His throat tightened and his thighs twitched. He couldn’t let her catch them.
He caught her face in his palm. “One of the horses must think he will have to work the cattle.”
He brushed his thumb against her cheek as he slid his hand to the center of her back and pulled her closer. Her breasts brushed against the hard wall of his chest and he near burst into flames. He wanted her down to his bones, and he had to keep her looking into his eyes. His heart raced. Keeping his voice steady in the song required every faculty he possessed.
They swayed together for an eternity until the song ended and he simply stared down at her. The air seemed thin as she wet her lips. He wanted so badly to kiss her, but he had to remember...something. His brain was muzzy, and she was so perfect. Oh, yes, she was his brother’s future wife. To remind himself and her, he said in a husky half whisper, “My brother is a lucky man, Miss O’Malley.”
Her expression fell. She shoved him away and then stepped toward the edge of the porch.
Daniel caught her arm. “I’m sorry.”
“We were just dancing. Nothing happened. You have nothing to apologize for.” She wrapped her arms around her midsection. “I suppose you will tell me a mannerly woman would never shove a man away.”
He didn’t say anything. A lot had happened, just none of it spoken. He stared out into the darkness, trying to not want her and failing to rid himself of the need. Could she be meant to be with him and not Rafael?
She peeked a glance toward him. He couldn’t look at her or he’d reveal the wayward twist of his thoughts. Even he knew how off they were. He didn’t want a wife yet. He wasn’t ready. He didn’t own his own place. He had nothing to offer a wife, but right now he’d promise the moon if he could have her.
“Is the ranch half yours?” she blurted out.
Was that the only thing that was important to her? How much he was worth, how much land he had? Was she just a fortune seeker like all the rest of the Anglos who’d come to California? “No.” The post bit into his hand. “It all belongs to Rafael.”
They stood in silence for a while. She looked down, and he tried to still the mad jangle of his blood. She didn’t want him so much as she wanted to be the wife of the ranch owner. No surprise in that. Why would any woman ever prefer him over Rafael? If he wasn’t so tired, he was certain it wouldn’t have even bothered him. He didn’t want her as a wife anyway. She was too pushy and confrontational.
When he married, he wanted a meek wife who knew her place. He was certain of that. Anna just stirred his blood as a pretty woman would. His desire for her wasn’t so much a surprise as his chest hurting over the idea that she couldn’t want him because the ranch wasn’t his.
The jingle of a harness reached them. She bounced on her toes and stared off into the darkness. Her eagerness to see Rafe was like a club hitting him in the stomach.
The steady clop-clop of an approaching horse grew louder.
The form of rider and horse materialized out of the gloom.
“Hello, my sweet,” said Rafael as the horse plodded up to the edge of the porch. He flashed Anna a smile.
She cast a nervous glance over her shoulder and asked in a soft voice, “Has he been drinking?”
“Possibly,” whispered Daniel.
“Hope your day—” Rafe shifted out of the saddle, swinging one leg over and wobbling unsteadily “—has been better...than mine.”
Daniel’s stomach rolled. Would Rafael be able to stand?
“I’ll take care of your horse.” He leaped off the porch. He had to make Rafael’s arrival look real. “Miss O’Malley, won’t you go inside and see if Ma has that coffee ready? Rafe looks like he needs a cup as badly as I do.”
Juanita came out and stepped in front of Anna and pushed at Anna’s shoulder.
Anna had said nothing to Rafael, and Daniel risked a glance at her. He feared seeing the adoration in her eyes that most women had toward his brother. Instead, her brows had drawn together, puckering the smooth place between them.
“The food ready. Go inside,” Juanita said.
“We’ll be right behind you,” added Daniel as he blocked Rafael and grabbed his belt, holding him up.
They couldn’t have gotten this far to have it fall apart now.
Chapter Eight
Tell me of your family. I know you spoke of your brother. Do you have other siblings? What of your parents? I want to know everything there is to know about you.
Daniel staggered under Rafael’s weight. His brother’s knees buckled the minute he hit the ground. How in the hell were they going to convince Anna that Rafe was uninjured?
“Surprised her,” Rafe muttered.
Yes. Anna’s jaw had dropped when Rafael had appeared. Clearly, they’d shaken her belief that Rafael had been hiding in his room all day, but they weren’t out of the woods yet.
“You’ve got to make it in to the table.” Daniel steadied his brother.
“I know.” He heaved a couple of deep breaths. “You have to...keep her occupied.”
That was such a bad idea. For the second time in two days, he’d nearly kissed her. When he’d looked down into her green eyes, he’d almost leaned in and tasted her pink lips. Only the thought that Rafe could be coming around at any minute had stopped him.
Rafael latched on to his shirt as they walked inside. Juanita was doing everything she could to stand between Anna and them, but Anna was looking around her.
“I am glad you are home safe,” she said.
“Me, too,” answered Rafael.
Rafe wobbled, and Daniel tensed, ready to catch him. Anna’s eyes narrowed, but they were focused on Rafael. A shaft of disappointment cut through him.
“So tired,” said Rafe, “falling own feet.”
A protest rocked through Daniel. He was the one who had been awake for going on forty hours, but Rafe needed any excuse he could use for his unsteadiness.
Rafael poked him as if to prod words out of Daniel’s mouth. He didn’t know what else to do, so he called, “Ma, you got that coffee yet? Rafe needs a cup.”
Madre came in and beamed at Rafael. “You are back!” She moved forward and gave Rafael a hug.
It gave Rafe another person to lean on and time to catch his breath, but Anna’s brow knit. She sent a questing look in Daniel’s direction. Daniel’s pulse ticked. He told himself it was just fear that she’d figure out that Rafe was injured, but he knew it was more.
He shrugged. “Won’t you have a seat, Miss O’Malley?” He pulled out a chair for her. “Even if you are not hungry, I’m sure Rafe would like you to join us.”
Juanita brought in the coffeepot and managed to stand between Anna and Rafael as he landed in the chair at the head of the table in a heap.
Anna took the seat Daniel offered her.
“I have to take care of Rafe’s horse, but I’ll be right back.”
“Doesn’t he take care of his own?” she asked in a low voice.
“Usually. I thought he might like to sit with you,” Daniel answered smoothly. It wasn’t even a lie.