Page 50 of Husband By Request
“You little witch,” he growled into her neck. “I want to know how your first formal lesson went.”
“Well, I can say Ohi, ya, yasou, kalimera, kalispera, kalinihta, ti kanis, poly kala—and I know what they mean. Want to try me?”
As rich laughter burst out of him, his private secretary buzzed him. “Kyrie Stamatakis?”
“Is everyone assembled in the conference room?”
“Except for Mr. Kazarian, who just phoned to let me know he’s on his way from the bank.”
“Let me know when he arrives.”
“Of course. And you have a phone call on line two. It’s Olympia Panos. She says it’s urgent.”
AS IF a shadow had passed across the face of the sun, Andreas’s smile faded. On cue, Dominique’s happiness evaporated.
“You’d better take it, darling.”
She moved out of his arms and sat down in front of his desk, wondering what was so pressing that Olympia should interrupt Dominique’s husband on a busy work day.
How come she hadn’t called on his cellphone? Had she been afraid Andreas wouldn’t answer it right away? Or had she purposely planned to go through his secretary so he’d be forced to deal with her immediately?
On the heels of her chat with Paul, Dominique was all ears.
Andreas picked up the receiver to talk to her. Whatever Olympia had to say didn’t last long. After telling her he’d work something out, he hung up, looking concerned.
“What’s wrong?”
“Olympia’s aunt has developed a pain that won’t go away. The doctor wants her to go into the clinic. If Olympia drives her, she’s going to need help with Ari. I’ll send Paul.”
“Don’t you need him for the meeting?”
“I’ll ask my secretary to take notes.”
“Andreas—do you mean to tell me Olympia doesn’t have a sitter she can call in an emergency?”
What a convenient bind to be in, so that Andreas would have to drop whatever he was doing and run to her assistance.
“It’s my understanding that Olympia’s aunt usually tends him if she needs help.”
“Well, I’m free for the rest of the day. Call your driver and he can take me over to her apartment right now. You can join me after work. How does that sound?”
“You don’t mind?”
“Heavens, no. I’ve been dying to get my hands on him, and scrunch that cute little body of his.”
He smiled. “You’d be saving my life.”
“Then it’s settled. What’s her address?”
He wrote it on a piece of paper, then came around and handed it to her with a hard, swift kiss. “I’ll be by later.”
“I can’t wait!”
She grabbed her things off the desk. He walked her out to the elevator and gave her one more kiss before the doors closed.
When she stepped outside the building a limo was waiting for her. She showed the driver the paper, then got in the back and they took off.