Page 58 of Husband By Request
“If it’s to plan a way to get rid of Olympia, I’m all yours for as long as it takes.”
DOMINIQUE entered the gym the next morning after her language class, ready for a workout. Several well-cut males lifting weights called out hello to her in English. Andreas had once told her that her walk was so American, her nationality stuck out a mile.
“Hi, guys.”
A buff-looking hunk approached her with a smile. “I’m Alex, the manager and trainer.” His eyes swept over her in masculine admiration. “I’ve never seen you in here before, or I would have remembered.”
“You’re right. This is my first time.” She looked around at the state-of-the-art equipment. There were only half a dozen men taking advantage of the facilities. “Where are all the women?”
“They usually come at the end of the day. Are you here to sign up for a membership?”
“My husband has one.”
“What a shame.” He frowned. “Every guy in here is going to be sorry to hear that.” She chuckled. “What’s the lucky man’s name?”
“Andreas Stamatakis.”
In an instant his expression sobered. He let out a low whistle. “You’re his first wife?”
With that question, Dominique realized how pervasive the gossip had been following the trial.
“I’m his one and only wife.” But maybe not for long.
His hands went to his hips. “I meant no disrespect. In fact that came out wrong.”
“Don’t worry about it. I know what you meant. We were separated for a year, but now I’m back. My name’s Dominique.”
“That’s a beautiful name. French, isn’t it?”
“Yes. My mother studied in France and fell in love with the name.”
This time his inspection of her was professional. “You are in excellent shape. I take it you’re no stranger to a gym?”
“I’ve practically lived in one for the last year and a half.”
“Then—please. Make yourself at home. The dressing room is back there.” He pointed to a doorway behind him.
“Thank you.”
She passed through to the locker room. After putting her hair in a ponytail, she emerged minutes later in her running shorts and top, ready to do her stretches. Dominique liked to get in her workouts early. They energized her for the rest of the day.
Ignoring the men’s interested gazes, she ran through her routine, which included dumbbell bench presses to strengthen her arms and upper body. Finally she got on the treadmill and put herself through the paces.
Even if she couldn’t do anything about Olympia, she could do this for herself. It felt good to be in control of her body. The discipline worked hand in hand with her mind, keeping her thoughts focused on what was important.
“That’s it,” she muttered to herself.
A few more stretching exercises and she was ready for a shower. Once dressed, in a skirt and blouse, she brushed out her hair and went in search of Alex.
He was helping a teenage boy who’d come in while she was in the locker room. She stood a ways off and waited until he was free.
“Sorry. I was busy.”
“Of course. Do you have some time to talk to me now? Or should I come by another time?”
“This is the best time.”