Page 8 of When You Became Mine
“Piper, stop.” Lawson’s voice was gentle, but his tone firm. “You’re okay.”
I managed to tear my gaze away from the wreckage in front of me and my eyes met his. “Where are Jack and Hampton?”
My throat burned and something in my mouth crunched between my teeth. I spat, and blood and glass landed on the front of my shirt.
Lawson cut his eyes back at the mangled metal that used to be my car. My head pounded, the roar of blood rushing in my ears nearly deafening.
“What happened?” I croaked, clutching the front of his bloody shirt, but even in my daze I realized it wasn’t his blood.
“A car was driving down the wrong side of the road. Jack overcorrected and you went into a ditch before flipping several times.” His voice cracked, and his eyes filled with unshed tears. “God, I’ve never been so scared, watching your car fly through the air like that.” He looked back down and his arms flexed hard around me.
When I heard a medic shout that they couldn’t get the driver out, my head snapped up and I looked back at the car. “He’s still in there? Oh, God.” Pushing against him, I tried to get out of his arms, but he was surprisingly strong, and held me tight.
“No, Pippie, you can’t go over there.”
“That’s my brother! I have to go help him.”
He shook his head. “There’s nothing you can do.”
“Where’s Hampton?” I asked again, my head whipping around, looking for him. He could fix this. Hampton fixed everything. My brain screamed in protest, begging me to be still and let Lawson hold me. But I couldn’t sit idly by, wondering if the two most important men in my life were alive and breathing.
“He’s over there.” He lifted his chin and I followed his gaze. Through the darkness, I made out a shadowy figure, sitting hunched over on the ground, directly beside where the first responders were working to get my brother out.
“Let me go!” I screamed, desperate to get to him. “I need him.”
Lawson’s jaw clenched hard, but his arms never released me. “You need to sit still.”
“Is he okay?” I cried, sobs wracking my body.
Lawson nodded, pulling me closer to his chest.
I squeezed my eyes shut, no longer able to stand watching as the firefighters worked to free Jack. Trying to calm myself, I focused on Lawson’s breaths. The slow, steady rhythm lulled me into an eerie dream-like daze. Suddenly a sharp intake of air forced me to open my eyes.
Hampton was standing in front of us, blood dripping from his temple, tears pouring from his eyes. He didn’t say anything. He just bent down and pulled me from his brother.
“Is Jack okay?” I frantically asked as Hampton sank to his knees with me cradled in his arms.
Violent sobs wracked his body as he buried his face in my neck.
“Hampton,” I repeated, trying to force his gaze back to mine.
My heart pounded in my chest. I’d only seen Hampton cry once before, and that was when he thought he’d hurt me.
“Please,” I begged, fear coursing through my veins.
Through the tears, he managed to choke out the two words I’d never be able to unhear.
“He’s gone.”
I didn’t know what I hated more, the soft murmuring of whispers offering condolences for a loss they couldn’t comprehend. Or the loud wailing of my mother that could be heard across the house, even with the doors closed and soft classical music piping through the speakers.
I faked a smile and nodded at yet another distant relative that was telling me how terribly sorry they were for my loss before excusing myself.
I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to get out of this dress. This room. Away from the people who meant well but were just making it so much worse. I glanced around, seeking out the one person I knew would bring me comfort, but he was nowhere to be found.