Page 11 of Savage (The End 1)
When the sound came again, she couldn’t just sit around anymore.
The woods housed many scary animals, dangers that lurked in the shadows. She’d been taught how to handle them.
Climbing out of the bed, she paused as she heard a deep, gruff sound.
Goosebumps erupted all over her flesh and she made a quick but silent dash to Lucy.
Giving her sister a shake, she waited for Lucy’s eyes to open before covering her mouth.
She placed a finger to her lips and Lucy nodded, understanding Sasha wanted her to stay silent. Sasha looked toward the bathroom attached to her room.
Urging Lucy toward it, she winced and internally cursed every time she stepped on a creaky floorboard.
“Sasha, I’m scared,” Lucy whispered.
“Don’t worry, honey. I just need you to sit in here.” She helped Lucy into the tub. “I need you to stay here for me. Can you do that?”
Lucy nodded but looked terrified.
“It’s okay. Everything is going to be fine.” Stroking her sister’s hair, she rushed back for Lucy’s doll and shoved it in her sister’s hands. “Lock the door behind me, okay?”
Lucy nodded.
She made silent work of going over to where she’d stored one of the guns. Holding it in her hands had fear consuming her. She shook so badly. Perspiration covered her entire body as she slowly crept across the bedroom.
She listened closely, holding her breath, waiting.
Gritting her teeth, she opened the door and paused as she heard the sound of scuffling.
Someone was outside.
Now, if it was someone sane, she had yet to find out.
Heart pounding, hands sweaty, she took a step toward the door.
Think of Lucy.
Protect my sister.
Fear gripped her as she got to the door.
Opening that door could be a huge mistake but waiting for someone to attack them wasn’t going to help either. She peeked out the window but couldn’t see anything. With no electricity and the moon shrouded behind the thick clouds and the massive tree line, she was essentially blind.
Closing her eyes, she sent up a little prayer to whoever was watching and eased the latch on the door. Staying behind the door, she looked left, and as she went to look right, pain exploded by her temple.
She was thrown to the ground from the force of the hit.
“I knew you were here. I knew it.”
She blinked past the pain, the agony stealing her breath. Dropping the gun, she quickly put a hand to her temple to try and clear her thoughts. He’d hit her in the head and now she couldn’t focus or see straight.
Taking a deep breath, she watched as the man who’d lured her outside stared down at her. He licked his lips.
She saw his hair was slicked back, greasy in appearance. Filth covered his face. The stench coming off him made her want to vomit.
“I knew I saw you. I just knew it.”
Hands shaking, she panicked as he sank down to his knees, his hands going to her pajama shorts. If she screamed, Lucy would hear it and could escape.
“Stop it. Please, stop it.”
“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen anyone not infected. You’re so fucking cute. So sweet.” His nails dug into her stomach and tears filled her eyes.
This was what her father had tried to warn her about and now if she wasn’t careful, this man would rape her.
He didn’t look savage, not like the radio and media had described.
“Let go. Please stop.”
His hands grabbed her tits and she lifted up, sinking her teeth into his arm. He reared back, slapping her across the face. As she rolled to her side, she saw the handgun.
Kill or be killed.
She had to think of Lucy.
Lifting up the gun, she pointed it at the man. The smile on his face faltered and she didn’t even hesitate. Pulling the trigger, she jerked backward from the recoil and pain exploded in her entire body.
It was far too dark for her to see where the bullet went, but she’d pointed it at his head, and when his body slumped to the ground she felt relief fill her.
Taking deep breaths, she couldn’t believe what she’d just done.
Putting the gun on the floor, she quickly covered her mouth, needing to keep calm. She couldn’t scream. No doubt Lucy had heard the gunshot and was probably scared as hell.
Getting to her feet, she ignored the scent of blood that started to fill the air. She took a few steps toward the body, the moonlight slashing through the trees, the glow showing the side of his face missing. Covering her mouth to stifle her scream, she looked away.
God, his face was destroyed.
Sasha rushed back into the cabin, calling out Lucy’s name as she made her way into the bathroom. “Lucy, honey.” Sasha tried not to cry, needed to stay calm.
“Is everything okay?” Lucy said from behind the closed door. “I heard a gun.” Lucy was crying, the sound of her voice hitching sending pain through Sasha.