Page 15 of Savage (The End 1)
She couldn’t help but laugh. It was the same argument they’d had when Lucy first ruined her jeans. Thinking back to that day, she’d been so mad, so angry, and yet, it was all for nothing. Everything they’d ever known was gone.
Pushing those thoughts aside, she kept on searching, and when she got to the end of the shelves, she saw a box filled with old trash. Pulling it out, she saw a hand crank radio.
“Want to wind it up for me?”
Lucy took it from her, wound it up, and gave it back.
Turning it on, she started to go through each station and all she heard was static. No music, no noise, just the buzzing that continued.
She kept dialing up and down.
“What does that mean?” Lucy asked.
“It means that a lot of things have changed now.”
“There’s no one out there?”
“There is someone out there. There has to be.”
“Are you sure?”
“We’ll be fine here.”
“What about food?”
“We’ve got plenty. It’s not a concern.” She glanced around the darkness, not liking it one bit. “Come on. Let’s get upstairs.”
“Sasha?” Lucy spoke her name really slowly.
Forcing a smile to her lips, she stared at her sister. “What is it, honey?”
“You do know that the food won’t last forever?”
“Don’t worry so much about everything. I know and we’ll be fine.” Sasha had already figured out that one day soon they were going to run out of food. She just didn’t like the idea of what would happen then. Either way, the cabin was their only safe option for now. She wouldn’t take Lucy out into a potential war zone, not until they needed to.
She only hoped by the time it came, she would have a plan.
Chapter Eleven
No silent scream
Sitting by the edge of the lake, Sasha watched Lucy play in the water, and for a few minutes she could forget. Forget about the dwindling food supplies, the life outside of the cabin, and the crushing fear that something bad was going to happen soon.
Life had been too quiet for some time and maybe it was her paranoia or just the fact the world was ending and so far it hadn’t been too bad. Their parents dying had been awful and nearly getting raped wasn’t good. But Lucy wasn’t bad company at all. Other than that, everything had been going well.
She didn’t want to think about the fact their food supply was depleting or the worry that time was running out. Lucy looked so happy and she wouldn’t allow any of those thoughts to haunt her. Not today. Not now.
Lucy sprayed her with water and as they were laughing, a scream rent the air, making them both pause.
Fear trickled down her spine.
The sound came from a woman and it was way too close for her liking. Lucy climbed out of the lake and was beside her within seconds. Holding her close, she picked up the gun and felt Lucy shake.
“I need you to run back to the cabin.”
“I’m not leaving you.”
“Damn it, Lucy.”
Another scream filled the air.
This wasn’t good.
“I’m not leaving you.” Lucy took her hand, and Sasha gritted her teeth.
“Keep them there and stay behind me.” She put Lucy’s hands on the loops of the jeans she wore. With the gun in hand, she walked in the direction of the scream. Ignoring it would have been smarter, safer, but what if the woman was in trouble? What if it had been Sasha or Lucy who had been screaming? They’d pray someone helped them.
Following the noise, with Lucy behind her, she held the gun in her hands. Anger built within her with every single step she took.
Whoever it was, they better know how to run because she’d kill anyone who was a threat. That’s what she’d decided as she stayed awake late at night. Listening to the sounds of the forest, the memory of the buzzing radio, and the look in her parents’ eyes. It would only be a matter of time before something happened to them and so long as she got Lucy to safety, she was fine.
Rounding a large, thick tree, she came face to face with a woman covered in blood, holding a knife in her fist. One glance on the ground showed a man with his pants halfway down. His cock was severed.
Bringing the gun close, she trained it on the woman’s chest.
The woman lifted her head and looked over at them. “Are you savage?”
“What happened?” Although it was obvious, Sasha wanted to hear it from the woman.
The woman’s gaze dropped to Lucy and Sasha shoved her behind her even more. “Don’t even fucking look at her. You keep those eyes on me.”
“You’re not infected.”
“Who the hell are you? What happened?”
“Does it matter? None of it matters. Not names. Not addresses, nothing. Everything is gone.”
“You’ve seen what has happened to the world?”
“You haven’t?” the woman asked. She lowered the knife and exhaled, looking weak in that moment, harmless.