Page 24 of Savage (The End 1)
“I’m happy with you though, Sasha.”
“Thank you, sweetheart. You need to get some sleep. We both need to be fit and ready for tomorrow.”
“Okay but you’ve got to sleep as well.”
“Already on it.” She closed her eyes, waiting.
She wasn’t going to be able to sleep.
Not tonight.
Time passed and she felt Lucy finally relax and fall asleep. When she heard the first snore, Sasha opened her eyes and stared at her sister.
“I love you, Lucy, and I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe.” She took a deep breath and slowly expelled it.
The night was so silent, too silent.
She was used to falling asleep with the noise of animals and the occasional passing car, or even people walking past.
Just another sign of the world not being the same.
Of it being a scary place.
One filled with men who had rape on the brain.
The death that surrounded them she had to protect Lucy from.
This time, when the tears started, she didn’t wipe them away. She let them fall down her cheeks and land on the bed beside her. Each one was a clear sign of the misery she felt.
Of the heartache.
Whatever happened, she would protect her sister and keep her alive.
No matter what.
Tomorrow, she’d find more weapons. This town had to have some, and she was going to make sure no one hurt her or Lucy.
Chapter Nineteen
Quiet before the storm
After using the cold water in the house, Sasha and Lucy were washed. She could start a fire and heat the water, but it took time and patience, both of which she didn’t have right now. A little cold water never hurt anyone and she and Lucy were clean now, if a little cold.
They’d found some clothing left by the owners of the house. They were admittedly a little on the bigger side, but they were better than wearing their dirty ones or going naked.
“I feel like an old lady,” Lucy said, spinning around in the dress that fell to her ankles.
“Don’t, Lucy. It’s not nice.”
“I don’t mean to be mean. I just … it’s a nice dress. Like Mom used to wear.”
“Mom wasn’t old.”
“To me she was. I didn’t mean to be mean.”
“I know. I know. It’s just me.” She hugged her sister. “So you want to go and explore?”
“Yes!” Lucy yelled.
“Shh, I know we’re alone for now but I don’t want to risk it, you know. Please.”
Lucy’s arms went back to her sides and she looked so sad.
Sasha hated herself for doing this. It was like she’d become the queen of refusing to have fun.
“I know I suck right now as a sister.”
“It’s fine. We’ve got to be careful.”
Sasha nodded. “Ready to go?”
They’d already gone through the rules and she didn’t feel the need to repeat any of them, at least not right now. Not after she’d already scolded her sister for having fun.
Leaving the house, Sasha held Lucy’s hand, keeping a firm grip on the gun she’d hidden in the waistband of her jeans. She’d been practicing for some time now and was a fast draw.
If she didn’t kill the person outright, she’d at least cause some damage, hopefully allowing her sister to run far and to run fast.
They stepped out into the town, and Sasha moved them close to the wall. She made sure Lucy was behind her at all times. She chanced a quick look around the wall, saw it was clear and stepped out.
She stayed still, looking everywhere as they made it past the first building. The glass was broken and it looked like bricks had been thrown through the windows. On closer inspection, she saw money on the ground. It was a bank.
People had tried to rob a bank. But money was useless in this world. It had to be. Who wanted money to buy things that didn’t have a purchase price?
“That’s weird, right?” Lucy asked.
“Just a little, you know. Strange.”
“It’s a lot of money. Should we take some?”
“Nah, we don’t need it.” Money was useless.
Holding on to Lucy, they stepped past another shop, this one a clothing store. Glancing back at Lucy, she knew they had to make a stop.
“Come on,” Sasha said.
“I don’t need new clothes.”
“You’re getting some. I don’t want you tripping and hurting yourself.” The store was closed but it also hadn’t been broken into.
Going against all of her teachings for her entire life, Sasha used the butt of the gun to smash the window. She made Lucy step back as she did this.
Once it was safe for her, she let Lucy through, and they stepped into the shop.
“This is really creepy. I don’t like it, Sasha.”
“I know. I know.” She went to the first stand and found some jeans in Lucy’s size and a shirt. “Come on, try these on. They’ll be better for you.”
Next, she grabbed some socks and sneakers. Both of which would be better than the clothes she was wearing. When Lucy was dressed and looked so much better, Sasha looked for herself.