Page 71 of Savage (The End 1)
Lucy was tossing pebbles into the creek, giggling when one made a big splash.
“Take some of the water and try and cool off,” Sasha said and got her hand wet to bring it to Lucy’s neck.
Lucy squirmed and giggled. “That’s cold.”
Sasha smiled and watched as Lucy started splashing some water on her face, sighing in relief.
Sasha lay back and brought her knees to her chest. She was so sensitive and sore between her thighs, a constant reminder as she walked of what she and Malachi had done.
But all she should be thinking about was the carnage they’d left behind them at the dentist’s office, how this new world was nothing but violence and bloodshed. The only way to survive was to harden your soul and do anything to make it out alive.
Sasha glanced back at Malachi and saw he was staring at her, his expression fierce, his focus trained.
She didn’t ask him how much longer it was to get to the bridge, because she knew this was a long trek, and even when they got there, it didn’t mean things would be safe, that going that way was the passage they needed to get to the safe haven.
But to be honest, Sasha just wanted to say fuck it all. She wanted to tell Malachi that the three of them didn’t need to go north, that they could make a home somewhere deep within the woods. They could live off the land. It had worked for Sasha and Lucy at the cabin, up until they had issues. But they had Malachi now.
Could it work? Would he go for it?
She left Lucy sitting by the creek tossing pebbles into the stream, and walked over to where Malachi was. She sat down on the log beside him, and they stayed silent for long moments.
“How are you holding up?” His voice was deep and calm.
The steady sound of rocks plinking into the water surrounded them. Tree Man was off to the side leaning against a tree, his eyes closed as he tried to get some rest. That’s what they all should be doing, but there was no way Sasha could sleep right now, not with her mind racing and uncertainty filling her.
She glanced at Malachi for a few moments and just watched him as he cleaned his gun. His blade was on the ground between his feet, his focus intent.
“I’m fine,” she said honestly. “How are you?”
His brows were knitted, and she wanted to smooth her finger between his eyes to wipe the worry away.
“I’m good.” He sounded sure of that, and she didn’t deny he probably was collected and had his shit together.
“We have hours to go before we get to the bridge, so we have to keep moving,” he said and looked at her. His dark eyes seemed to penetrate into her soul.
And then she noticed him glance down at her lips. Sasha licked them involuntarily, thinking about what they’d done the night before, how he’d tasted, felt against her mouth, against her body.
She started to heat, arousal licking across every single nerve ending. She heard her breathing change, felt her body react. All the while Malachi seemed calm and collected, as if he could play his body like a fine-tuned instrument, not showing how affected he was.
Or maybe he wasn’t? Maybe he didn’t feel the same way for her as she did for him?
She pushed that out of her mind instantly. All the things he’d said, how she was his, how he’d do everything and anything to protect them, told her that he cared for her, that he wasn’t going anywhere.
They were in this together.
And then he leaned in close and she felt his warm breath move along the shell of her ear.
“What I really want to do right now is press you up against one of these trees, see if you’re wet, taste you, and then thrust my cock deep into your tight fucking pussy.”
A gasp left her at his obscenity. God, she wanted to hear more of it. She wanted him to make good on his promise.
“But I have to get you two safe first. That’s my priority.” Then he leaned back ever so slightly and stared into her eyes. “But when that happens, I’m letting everyone know you’re mine, Sasha. No more hiding or pretending that I can control myself around you, that I haven’t marked you.”
She licked her lips again and nodded slowly, not sure what she was agreeing to, but wanting to hear more.
“Or we can just make our own place, Malachi. We can stay deep in the woods, away from everyone and everything. We can make it work. We can do it.”
He exhaled slowly and looked back at his gun. The weapon seemed small in his large, masculine hands.
“As nice as that sounds, Sasha, I want you guys to have that ‘normal’ life you once did.” He looked back at her, this almost defeated expression on his face before he masked it quickly.