Page 34 of Wife by Design
“On his shin.”
“And no bones were broken?”
“Nope. His bone health is just fine. Though he’s going to have some pretty painful bruising by morning.”
“Where are you now?”
“In front of my house, getting ready to go inside.”
“Which bungalow is it?”
She told him. And he knew it immediately. Set back in the corner of the commons farthest from the main house, the bungalow was one of the nicest, in terms of size and setting. But he wouldn’t have figured she’d be located so far back on the property. Not only did it mean a bit of a hike anytime she got a call, but she’d have to make that walk from any of the parking lots across the grounds with groceries and anything else she brought home, too. Not convenient for when she was off work, to be sure.
“I’m on my way.” As soon as he emptied the wheelbarrow and stashed it in the back of the trailer.
He heard voices, but couldn’t make out what they were saying.
“Darin wants to know how angry you are.”
“I’m not angry at all.” He wasn’t. “I trust my brother to push himself as far as he thinks he should. And if he pushes too far, he’ll learn. Hell, I’m thrilled he’s pushing at all. It’s been a while.”
Truth be told, he was relieved. A few stitches were a small price to pay to have what was left of his brother back.
LYNN HAD DEBATED the advisability of bringing Darin back to her bungalow, knowing that Maddie was there. Sara had warned that she shouldn’t try to stop Maddie’s budding interest in Grant’s older brother. Maddie was slow, not incapacitated. Although she’d probably never be able to live completely alone, she still needed relationships in her life and had to learn how to have healthy ones.
Sara was concerned, but said she’d talk to Maddie.
And in the meantime, the more Lynn and the rest of them could watch over Maddie’s time with Darin, the more they could help the other woman through this stage of her recovery.
It wasn’t like Maddie and Darin would ever have a chance to be on their own, other than for perhaps a stroll through the grounds.
And, Sara had added, the friendship, as long as they helped Maddie see it for what it was, could benefit both of them.
Quickly reminding herself of her friend and coworker’s words as she unlocked the front door of the bungalow, Lynn called out.
“Maddie? Kara? I’m home, and look who I brought with me!”
“Mama!” The three-year-old’s happy squeal came from the back of the three-bedroom cottage. “I’m on the potty!” Her daughter’s sweet little babyish voice melted her heart.
“Okay, we’ll wait,” she called back. “Come on in,” she said to Darin, who was standing on the threshold of her house.
“I’m sorry,” he said. “I… It’s been a long time since I have been in a woman’s home.”
“I’m not a woman.” Lynn laughed. “I’m the nurse who just stitched you up.”
“Yes, but I haven’t been in your home before, either. Maybe I should wait for Grant.”
“My house is no different than any other house.” She wouldn’t force him, but she hoped he’d come in.
“I just… I think I should wait for Grant.”
She supposed they could stand in the doorway for the next five minutes but wished she could help somehow.
“Darin? That is who came home with you?” Maddie’s eyes widened as she came walking into the living room just ahead of the little dynamo who pushed past her and flung herself at her mother.
Kara hugged her mother’s legs, kissed her leg through her scrubs and then hurled herself toward Darin, as though she was going to repeat the greeting.
“Hold on there, tiger.” Lynn grabbed her toddler by the arm and scooped her up onto her hip. It wouldn’t be long before Kara was going to be too big for her to carry around.
“Mr. Bishop has an owie on his leg.”
“That’s not Mister, it’s Dawin.” Kara giggled with both hands up to her mouth as Maddie’s gaze traveled down the basketball shorts Darin wore for his therapy sessions.