Page 84 of Wife by Design
Brandon was bringing Kara back at bedtime, and had agreed to put his daughter to bed and read to her, and Amy, Lynn’s overnight babysitter, had agreed to take over from there so Kara’s father could catch his flight back to San Francisco.
The date went well. He couldn’t remember when he’d ever laughed so much or seen Darin laugh so much. But it was raining, too, which precluded the time alone on the beach he’d hoped to have.
If he didn’t know better he’d think the fates were conspiring to keep his penis hard and his nerves frayed.
And so, the following Monday, the last Monday in March, he made a point of getting to The Lemonade Stand in the early afternoon. He was going to call Lynn and see if they could find a few minutes that afternoon to be alone. They didn’t even have to touch. He just needed to see that special look in her eyes. The one that said she needed him to have his wicked way with her.
He’d hoped to be there in time to have lunch with his brother, too, but didn’t make it until it was time for Darin to start therapy. Because he hadn’t been sure he’d be able to get away, he hadn’t told anyone his plans and figured he’d head over to Lynn’s place to see if anyone was home.
He’d barely parked and locked the truck when his cell phone vibrated against his hip bone.
Hoping it was Luke or Craig needing him, something easy he could handle in seconds, he glanced at the screen, recognizing the number as an exchange from The Lemonade Stand, but not one he knew.
“Grant? This is Angelica, Darin’s physical therapist,” the person on the end of the line said in a voice that was either confused or distressed. Or both.
His heart started to pound. “Has something happened to Darin?” Thank God he’d come early. Thank God he was there.
Immediately switching the direction he was walking from Lynn’s bungalow toward the main building, Grant heard the therapist say, “I don’t know, that’s why I’m calling you. He didn’t show up for his session. I thought you’d know where he was and just forgot to let me know he wouldn’t be here.”
The thought was instantaneous. And sure.
“I called Carmelita at the cafeteria, in case he’d been held over there. She said he was there during his shift and that she saw him sitting at a table alone and eating afterward.”
Darin had last been seen forty-five minutes ago. That was more than enough time for two people to have sex.
“Has anyone tried to get hold of Maddie?”
“Yes, sir. She walks with him to therapy sometimes so I called her first. Her parents stopped in for a visit today after lunch and took her out shopping to get some things for her room.”
Maddie was with her parents.
And Darin was missing.
Growing cold, then hot, Grant continued to stride toward the main building, picking up his pace a bit. He glanced around at the same time, eyes peeled for the black sweatsuit with white stripes that his brother had been wearing when they’d left the house that day.
“How did things go this morning?” he asked, turning a circle in the grass as he tried to take in the entire area at once.
Maybe Darin had gotten discouraged. Was hiding out in the trees, cutting therapy like an unhappy kid would cut class.
“We had a great session. He got his arm three-quarters of the way up in the air with no assistance at all.”
Any other day that would have been worth a toast. A night of them. At the moment he hardly cared.
“I’ll call him,” Grant said, ringing off abruptly to immediately push Darin’s speed dial number. His brother always picked up. It was a rule.
The seconds it took to connect were interminable. He half ran toward the Garden of Renewal. It seemed like a place a kid would choose to hide out if he didn’t want to be found.
Darin’s phone went straight to voice mail.
Grant dialed Lila. Within a minute, she was sending security out to scour the property. All bungalows would be checked. As would the public buildings that were part of The Lemonade Stand complex. They’d check security cameras, as well. One good thing about having his brother at a women’s shelter was that they were prepared for emergencies.
By the time Grant hung up he was running. And didn’t quit running until he reached the Garden of Renewal.