Page 88 of The Moment of Truth
“Greg Richards is the best sheriff this town has ever had,” Sam said, standing beside his wife on Josh and Dana’s new driveway. “And he knows the desert like none other. He grew up here. Lost his dad out in that desert. If anyone can find her, Greg can.”
“Fine. Tell him to spare no cost. Helicopters, all of it. I’ll find a way to pay.”
“Done. And you don’t have to pay for it. We’d do the same for any of our citizens.”
Standing there with his new family, Josh had never felt more alone.
Because the one person who mattered most was lost to him.
Cassie’s fingers slid into his for a moment, squeezed, and he barely felt her touch.
He was praying to a God he’d long since abandoned.
* * *
DANA’S MIND WAS PLAYING tricks on her. She kept driving endlessly, certain that she was recognizing a home or a pole or a sign, a particular cactus, a roadside memorial, and then doubting herself.
Little Guy sat up, disturbing Lindy Lu, who whined and tried to get across the small console to her lap.
“It’s not going to be that much longer, guys,” she said. She couldn’t stop out there to let them go. It would be safer if they peed on her seat.
She’d never done anything so stupid. And sure as hell wasn’t going to call anyone and have Josh find out how stupid she’d been. How could she explain herself? Oh, by the way, I found out who you really are and my heart has shattered in a thousand pieces?
If they were just friends, his true identity would be a mild shock, not the impetus for an irrational drive out to the desert.
She’d make it out. She still had half a tank of gas. But damn, she’d had so much to do tonight to get the house ready for Thanksgiving.
Tears sprang to her eyes again, but she brushed them away with an impatient hand. She didn’t have time for tears. They served no purpose.
Josh was rich. So what?
He’d lied. She didn’t know why.
She loved him. He’d been engaged to a Boston heiress who was ten times more beautiful than Dana would ever be. Engaged with no wedding date set at the time of the publication of the photo.
She’d neglected to tell her mother that part.
Dana was having his baby.
And what about the heiress? Josh had told her he’d never lived with another woman. Did that mean he was still engaged? Or that he’d lied about that, too?
There’d been no mention of a breakup in the little bit of looking she’d done on the internet. No mention of the heiress again at all.
She should return Josh’s calls. And she would. Just as soon as she had something to say to him.
He’d know by now that she was on to him. She’d left the family tree on top of the box she’d found it in. And called Cassie, too. There was no telling how tight they all were.
And that hurt, too. So much.
Cassie, the woman she’d practically idolized, had lied to her by omission. She’d known who Josh was, but hadn’t said. Even when Dana had told the older woman that she was expecting Josh’s baby.
But then, her first loyalty should be to Josh. He was Cassie’s family. She was just a clinic volunteer.
Cassie obviously knew why Josh had pretended to be something he wasn’t. And if she understood...
Give your Josh a chance to explain....
Dana’s phone vibrated against her thigh where she’d dropped it. Glancing down at the display, she didn’t recognize the long-distance exchange.
As long as it wasn’t Josh. Or Cassie.
She flipped on the speaker phone. “Hello?”
She made a turn, and another one. And passed a place she knew she’d seen before. Because she was getting closer to home? Or because she was going in circles?
“Is this Dana Harris?”
She glanced around, looking for anyone who might be out there, watching her. It was odd to get a call from a stranger out in the middle of nowhere.
But the voice was female.
“Yes, who’s calling?”
“This is Barbara Redmond, dear. I believe you know my son?”
The car swayed to the side. With a jerk on the steering wheel, Dana guided it back to the center of the road. If she’d have been holding her cell phone, she’d have dropped it.
“Yes,” she said. Had Josh called his mother? Was the woman calling to buy her out?
Oh, God.
Be calm, she reminded herself. She hadn’t known Josh was an heir to a fortune when she’d had sex with him. She hadn’t done anything wrong.
“Joshua is going to be furious with me,” the woman said in a formal tone that left Dana feeling as if she was talking to royalty. “I’ve debated this call for several hours and believe that for once in my life I must interfere in my son’s life.”
She’d been right. Here came the buyout. Dana remained silent, prepared to let the scene play itself out.