Page 29 of Defying Drakon
She gasped, her bare back against the brick wall as Drakon curled his fingers about her thighs and lifted her up and into him until her legs were about his waist. Her fingers became entangled in the darkness of his hair and pleasure coursed through her as she felt the hard throb of his arousal against her core.
That pleasure pooled between her thighs in a warm rush of moisture as he began to move slowly against her. At the same time his hand moved to cup her other breast, sliding a rhythmic thumb again and again over that second throbbing peak until she wanted to die from the arousing onslaught of his clever lips and hands and fingers.
Gemini could only cling to the dampness of Drakon’s bare shoulders as she felt herself spiralling high, ever higher. He continued pleasuring her breasts at the same time as his throbbing shaft rubbed against that sensitised nub between her thighs. Her breath was coming in short and painful gasps as she hurtled closer and closer towards a release that filled her with a longing to pull Drakon closer at the same time as a fear of completely losing control of her senses urged her to push him away.
Drakon seemed to sense that confusion in her. His eyes were dark and glittering as he slowly released his mouth from her breast and looked up at her. ‘I’m not hurting you, am I?’
‘God, no!’ she choked out, trembling, shaking from the force of her own arousal.
An arousal that he seemed to incite in her at will…
An arousal that was rapidly fading, to be replaced by embarrassment as she realised exactly what they were doing—and where!
‘I just—I’m finding all of this a bit overwhelming, Drakon. Making love for the first time was somehow always more…romantic in my imaginings.’ She made an attempt at humour as she forced her knees to relax their death grip about his waist, her legs feeling slightly shaky as she allowed her feet to slide down to the concrete floor.
He blinked. ‘Sorry?’
‘It’s silly, I know,’ she gabbled. ‘But I’d always thought that the first time I made love it would at least be in a huge feather bed—maybe even a four-poster.’
‘A four-poster bed?’
‘Mmm. With curtains blowing in a gentle breeze,’ Gemini mused as the idea of making love with Drakon in such a romantic setting began to take flight.
‘I beg your pardon?’
‘And maybe rose petals scattered about the room,’ she continued dreamily. ‘Don’t you think that would be romantic, Drakon?’
‘Undoubtedly,’ he rasped.
Gemini snapped out of her romantic musings as she became aware of the wariness in his tone. And not just wariness, but utter disbelief.
And a healthy dose of shock!
No doubt it was a shock for him to realise that the spoilt and pampered daughter of Miles Bartholomew was a twenty-seven-year-old virgin…
What on earth had she been thinking, drivelling on like that in front of a man like him?
Her cheeks burned hotly. ‘What did you imagine, Drakon?’ Her embarrassment deepened as she picked up her blouse and quickly put it on over her bare breasts. ‘Did you think that I make a habit of behaving in this uninhibited way with every man I meet?’
His jaw tightened. ‘Not every man, no.’
‘Just the rich and powerful ones?’
A scowl darkened his brow. ‘Gemini—’
‘If you really thought that, then I’m afraid you have me confused with my stepmother,’ she cut in before he could answer her.
‘I know exactly who and what you are, Gemini,’ he grated.
The rustle of clothing behind her told her that Drakon had probably pulled his shirt back on at least. The shirt she had only minutes ago unbuttoned before throwing on the floor!
What was it about this man in particular that made her behave so completely out of character? Gemini barely recognised the wanton she became every time Drakon took her in his arms.
And a drivelling, romantic idiot too, apparently!
Something a man like him would certainly be repelled by.
Gemini kept her back towards him and moved to the safety of the other side of the shop before turning. Only the whiteness of Drakon’s shirt was visible where he still stood in the shadows. She licked her lips. ‘Don’t misunderstand me, Drakon. I’m really very grateful for the help you gave me earlier in getting rid of Angela, but not grateful enough to—’