Page 51 of Defying Drakon
Alone in her bed last night she had realised that Drakon was everything, and more, she could ever have wished for in the man she loved.
That love had only deepened today in the knowledge that he had believed in her, cared enough—even if it was only as a friend—to ensure that Bartholomew House was returned to her.
She moistened her lips before speaking. ‘Will you be returning to New York now?’
Drakon was silent for several seconds. Several long seconds. ‘That depends on you,’ he finally answered.
Gemini gave him a startled glance. ‘Me?’
‘Yes,’ he confirmed wryly. ‘Shall I go back to New York today, Gemini, or shall I remain here in London, so that we might perhaps start again?’ His expression was strained.
‘Start what again?’ Gemini was aware that she sounded idiotic, virtually repeating every word Drakon said, but she was afraid of misunderstanding him, and by doing so causing embarrassment to them both.
Drakon breathed heavily. ‘Everything,’ he bit out forcefully. ‘We met in unusual circumstances, and our relationship has continued in that unusual way ever since.’ He moved forward until he was close enough to crouch down beside the chair in which she sat. ‘I am asking, Gemini, if we could not begin again?’ He reached out to take one of her hands in his, and became aware of the envelope he still held. ‘I totally forgot…’ He frowned down at the bulky envelope. ‘I should have given you this earlier.’
‘Haven’t you given me enough already?’ Gemini looked totally bewildered.
Drakon reached into the envelope and drew out a small green box before resting it in his palm and holding it out to her. ‘I believe this also belongs to you,’ he said.
Gemini could only stare down blankly at the ring box in Drakon’s hand, still befuddled by the possibilities of what Drakon had just said to her. It had seemed as if he wanted another chance with her.
‘What is it?’ she prompted breathlessly.
He smiled gently. ‘I am sure that you already know.’
Yes, she did know. Was positive that inside the ring box would be her mother’s emerald and diamond engagement ring and her plain gold wedding band!
She blinked in an effort to clear the tears that suddenly stung her eyes. ‘Was this the private telephone call you made yesterday evening when we arrived in Verona?’
‘Yes,’ he acknowledged simply.
Gemini reached out and took the box tentatively before slowly raising the lid. The familiarity of the rings inside caused her to close her eyes, sending those scalding tears cascading down her cheeks.
‘Oh, Drakon…’ She began to sob in earnest.
‘Don’t cry, Gemini!’ He reached out and gathered her into his arms, pressed her face into the warmth of his chest. ‘I thought only to make you happy,’ he murmured huskily as he crushed her to him. ‘Please don’t cry, agapi mou,’ he entreated. ‘I cannot bear it!’
Gemini couldn’t seem to stop crying. She couldn’t remember anyone—not even her father, whom she had adored and who had adored her—doing anything so absolutely, unselfishly wonderful for her. Put that together with Drakon’s earlier conversation, and his endearment just now, and her earlier hopes began to take flight…
She raised her head and looked at Drakon, seeing his concern for her in those dark, dark eyes. And something else…
She moistened her lips before speaking, and saw emotion darken those now jet-black eyes. ‘Drakon, why, when it must have been obvious how willing I was, did you change your mind about making love to me last night?’
His expression became strained. ‘In the circumstances, it would have been wrong of me to take advantage of you…’
‘And?’ Gemini pressed, her heart pounding loudly in her chest.
He gave a tight smile. ‘I told you—there was no four-poster bed and no rose petals.’
‘But I told you those things didn’t matter to me any more…’
His mouth firmed. ‘They matter to me!’ he told her fiercely. ‘Damn it, I love you, Gemini—and, difficult as it was to walk away from you last night, I could not in all conscience make love to you until everything else in your life had been settled.’
‘You love me?’ she repeated breathlessly, her heart seeming to falter and then stop, before starting up again, stronger, quicker.
Drakon gave a pained wince. ‘I had not meant to say that to you just yet.’