Page 40 of Moon Flower
Galen drew back in surprise. “Do you feel any darkness inside you?”
“Only when I think of my father or the constable.” Galen could feel his ire without even looking at him. “And the man in the alley.”
“I understand completely. But your darkness is different. Here, let me show you.” He got out of bed, carefully retrieved the bundle of colored wax, then spread them out between them. His fingers itched to use them, though he wasn’t sure where to start.
“Your bleaker thoughts manifest in richer colors,” Galen said, lifting two of the wax sticks and slashing them across the page. “Blue when you’re feeling melancholy, green when you’re worried.” Azriel stared in wonder, his fingers tracing the vibrant hues, and Galen was completely mesmerized by the bright tones as well.
He lifted another wax stick. “And they turn purple when you’re lost in work…or with Mr. Blackburn.”
Azriel lifted his eyes to Galen’s. “I don’t understand.”
“To me, purple represents…passion,” Galen said, and his cheeks warmed as Azriel gaped at him.
“I see.”
He wished he could explain to Azriel the intriguing magenta color that was somewhere between red and purple, and how the underlying blue made it brighter and livelier, but he’d yet to unravel its mystery.
“Would your aura have shown in purples as well,” Azriel asked hesitantly, “the night you joined me in the room?”
Tension swirled between them as their eyes met, and Galen yearned to touch Azriel in a more meaningful way. “Very much so.”
Azriel was about to say something—something Galen might’ve desperately wanted to hear—when they heard a bed creak across the room, along with a moan.
He could just make out Wren, who’d gravitated to Sparrow’s bed, and from the looks of it, he was lying on top of him, and they were rutting against each other. Galen found himself plumping up from the sound alone.
“Shh…” That came from the direction of Edward’s bed, and the twins quieted down, Wren distinctly giggling, and it made Galen smile. He couldn’t help thinking how pure and precious their affection for each other was, and he found himself longing for something that would likely never come to pass. At least not in any real way.
“Some of the men don’t appreciate when they break the rules in the sleep quarters.” Azriel leaned closer. “Don’t let them fool you, though. They can be clever themselves when the need arises in between visits with the gentlemen.”
Galen could imagine them sneaking off to rub their cocks together, to use each other to satisfy their needs, and his blood rushed toward his prick.
“Is there a reason for this rule?” Galen asked, more than curious now.
Azriel’s eyes took on a faraway look. “There were two lads, Cecil and Joseph, who lived here with us, and over time their affections grew very deep.”
Galen’s heart thumped in his chest at how romanticized it sounded.
“But the nights with the gentlemen grew burdensome for them because they only wanted to be with each other.”
A lump grew in his throat. “Could they not separate one from the other?”
“Some can. Some cannot. There’s no simple answer when feelings are involved,” Azriel said, and Galen was beginning to understand how complicated it might be, especially if you were not of the same mind. “Joseph was consumed with jealousy, and Madam Langley feared the worst.”
“The worst?”
“That hearts would be broken.” Azriel frowned. “She was proven right, and they became miserable around each other. Joseph left first, and Cecil soon followed.”
“Do you think they eventually found each other again?” Galen asked, aggrieved. When Azriel didn’t respond, Galen glanced at him. “What?”
“You’re a romantic,” Azriel murmured.
“No, I…well, perhaps I am. I’ve never… I suppose I’m in awe of it.”
Azriel sighed. “Yes, I can understand what you mean.”
“So why are the twins allowed to…?”
“Madam Langley believes they are fated,” Azriel said, and Galen wondered how she could tell such a thing.
“They certainly only seem to have eyes for each other,” Galen said, watching their combined form across the room.
“It’s true.” Azriel yawned, his eyes growing weary. “I cannot see them ever being apart.”
Galen hummed at the sentiment, thinking perhaps Azriel was right. He did become a bit starry-eyed at times. As the room grew quiet again, Galen could hear his own heart beating in his ears as Azriel shifted closer. He felt Azriel’s warm breath as his head sank to his shoulder, and Galen inhaled slowly, not wanting to wake him or ruin the moment, then shut his eyes and basked in Azriel’s warmth.
Chapter 16
The first evening he participated with the gentlemen, Galen was a bit disappointed that Mr. Blackburn was not in attendance—not that he’d allowed himself to entertain any notions that the gentleman might want to spend time with him and Azriel again.
He performed his due diligence by serving the men tea and cakes, capturing the attention of a few of them in the process. It felt good to be flirted with but also unnerving. Normally, his dalliances were more covert, and there was the chance—and subsequent fear—of being wrong about a gentleman’s attentions. But here there was no question why they’d come to Moon Flower.