Page 53 of Moon Flower
Azriel didn’t speak for the longest time, and Galen’s gut churned. He realized he must have said the wrong thing and ruined everything.
“If Mr. Blackburn returns,” Azriel finally said in a solemn tone.
They both sobered, the air growing thicker around them. “And if he doesn’t?”
“Then I suppose it’s only right to pretend for a moment longer in this dark sliver of space where no one but the two of us exists.”
Before he could react, Azriel closed the distance between them and pressed his lips firmly against Galen’s. He stiffened at first, mostly out of sheer disbelief, before melting into his frame, his mouth pressing back, their tongues tangling, and Galen could feel Azriel’s hardness against his own.
The kiss went on and on, and if they stayed any longer, they were sure to be detected, but he didn’t want this moment to end. Not for anything.
The truth was, he was absolutely smitten with Azriel, with everything about him. It was his melancholy that drew him in initially, the swirls of blues mixed with green that matched his eyes. He didn’t say any of that, sure he would be called melodramatic, and so he waited for Azriel to be the more reasonable one and lead him out into the sunlight.
But it never happened.
Galen pulled away first to catch his breath, but Azriel dragged him back into the warmth of his arms, his lips covering Galen’s, his body flattening him against the stone.
When they came up for air again, Azriel stepped back, giving him room. “I suppose that should hold us for a while.”
Galen felt as drunk as if he’d consumed moon-flower tea, and merely stood staring at him like it had all been a dream.
Azriel straightened his jacket, then helped Galen with his own, which felt a bit rumpled from their embrace.
Glancing toward the street, Azriel smirked. Then he suddenly scurried out of the close, calling over his shoulder, “Last one out is rotten to the core.”
“Hey, no fair,” Galen said with a laugh, enjoying this playful and daring Azriel. But he didn’t even try to catch him, so dizzy was he from that kiss.
When he emerged into the sunlight, Azriel was waiting for him near the milliner’s, and neither could stop grinning the entire way back.
Chapter 21
Galen was afraid Azriel might’ve been right about Mr. Blackburn. He was not in attendance for the second week in a row, and Galen kept his features neutral so as not to show his disappointment. It worried him that perhaps Mr. Blackburn had his fill of them as well as Moon Flower, and they would never know what became of him. Galen didn’t understand why that bothered him so, and he shouldn’t have concerned himself with such details, but he couldn’t seem to help himself.
He also avoided Azriel’s gaze so that Madam Langley wouldn’t suspect anything more between them than she already did.
When they’d returned from their errand earlier in the week, they’d disclosed what had transpired, how they’d narrowly avoided the man who’d beaten Galen. She agreed that the man’s moods must be as unpredictable as the constable’s, so it was best if they remained hidden.
And then, remembering their kiss, they’d swiftly given themselves away to Madam Langley, when their eyes met and their smiles turned shy. But even outside of the kiss, it had been quite a lovely outing between them.
Speaking of that kiss…how could Galen ever recover from it? He’d thought their first kiss magical, but the next had been even more special, because it only belonged to them. He felt powerless over his draw to Azriel, and instead of fighting it, he’d decided to settle into his feelings, knowing that he would have to live with them, no matter what was to become of all of them.
Over the days following their outing, the shyness eventually passed, and their lives resumed their routine—chores, errands, free time, and whispered discussions after bedtime.
Then Friday came around, and as they’d greeted the gentlemen, Galen kept hoping Mr. Blackburn would arrive. He didn’t, and Galen was chosen by a different—and pleasant enough—gentleman, and afterward, he was grateful to fall into a dreamless sleep.
Now it was Saturday, and still no Mr. Blackburn, and Azriel’s flower was being taken by a newer guest with a receding hairline and bright eyes. The gentleman’s aura didn’t exhibit any grayness, and that was all Galen concerned himself with. He knew Azriel would be safe. The others would as well.
Just as the twins were spoken for, the footman rushed into the vestibule, followed by Mr. Blackburn. To Galen’s utter astonishment, he stepped up to Madam Langley and made his excuses about being late. His gaze scanned the line with a slight frown until he laid eyes on Galen. When he immediately requested him, Galen breathed out, though he wished Azriel could be with them.