Page 59 of Moon Flower
The sound of his pleasure made Galen unravel altogether. His eyesight blurred, and heat sparked from his bollocks to his groin as he spilled inside Azriel.
He’d never felt such intense pleasure in his life. He shuddered, then slumped over Azriel. They sank to the bed, winding their limbs around each other, and Galen huffed against his neck as they slowly came to themselves.
After a time, when their breathing had leveled, he heard Mr. Blackburn mumble to himself. “Just stunning. Thank you for that gift.”
Galen knew they should say something in response and begin cleaning up. But it felt like too much of an effort, and Azriel seemed to be having similar difficulty as he swallowed and cleared his throat but didn’t move a muscle.
“You’re welcome, sir,” Galen finally replied, lifting his head and looking over at Mr. Blackburn. “Sir?”
Mr. Blackburn’s head was bent back and his eyes were closed, his legs splayed before him. “Just going to rest a minute, and I’d like you to do the same.”
“Are you sure, sir?” Azriel asked in a tentative tone.
“Very,” Mr. Blackburn replied drowsily. “Please make yourselves comfortable.”
He sounded exhausted, which alarmed Galen, but perhaps it wasn’t only physical weariness. No doubt, after what he’d shared, it was emotional as well.
“We shouldn’t,” Azriel whispered to Galen.
“It’s what he wants,” Galen murmured back. “We can relax until Mr. Blackburn decides what’s next for us.”
Azriel put up no resistance, instead drawing Galen closer, as if he knew they’d never have this chance again.
It felt good to hold someone, and he suddenly understood why this seemed so important to the twins. So he reveled in it, even as he felt himself drifting off. Just one more minute, and Mr. Blackburn would call to them.
But the next voice he heard was not their gentleman’s. It was Madam Langley’s. “What is the meaning of this?”
Galen jerked awake. The sunlight was creating slanted shadows across the room, Mr. Blackburn was long gone, and Azriel was still in his arms. He wished he could shut his eyes and pretend for longer, but it would not come to pass.
Azriel startled and sat up, breaking their hold, the sheet sliding off their bare bodies. They were sticky and sweaty, and Galen was mortified that she’d found them in this condition. He tried to cover them up a bit, to no avail.
“I don’t understand what happened.” Azriel’s tone was husky from sleeping so soundly, so at least, Azriel had been able to have that.
“Mr. Blackburn left without waking us,” Galen said, rubbing his eyes. “I’m not certain why he would do such a thing.”
The madam stared at them with a discerning eye as Galen’s cheeks burned hot, and he wondered if she believed them. He thought he knew why Mr. Blackburn had left them curled in each other’s arms—and possibly hoping the consequences would not be too severe. No matter what, Galen would always be grateful for the opportunity to hold Azriel.
“All right, then,” she finally said. “Gather your things and join the others for breakfast.”
Chapter 24
If Madam Langley was upset regarding the matter of Galen and Azriel sleeping together, she didn’t speak of it again. Nor show it, outside of watching them closely at times while in the apothecary. Of course, the additional scrutiny made them hyperaware of standing too close, too long, and had cut short the evening visits they used to enjoy together. The effort, however, was exhausting, and if the same strain hadn’t shown on Azriel as well, Galen might’ve thought he was not as affected by their night together.
The teasing from the others did not help, though he knew it was all in good fun. Still, some would not take too kindly to their stolen moments when they did not have similar opportunities, and Galen did not want to cause any frustration.
“Are you sure the gentleman never woke you?” Oscar had quipped during their card game the previous night. “I’ve certainly been close to sleep after a night with Mr. Walters’s enormous cock.”
The others had laughed—except Edward, who’d glowered in Oscar’s direction. They’d all been whispering of late that Edward had his eye on the butcher’s son, sometimes even inviting himself on errands with Miss Celestine. He would never admit it, though, and most were smart enough to never tease him in front of Madam Langley. Even Oscar.
But Galen thought it sweet, as did the twins, and he hoped Edward’s surreptitious regard for the lad was returned in droves. Because every one of them deserved that. Galen would not trade for the world the incessant, gnawing sensation in the center of his chest. Like smoldering embers awaiting the next spark, in the form of brushed fingers or a furtive glance. Even if it ended in heartbreak. Even if it made him pessimistic and guarded again. Because in all his life, he’d never felt this alive. This connected to another human being. And from now to eternity, he would judge the way he felt when in Azriel’s presence against all others.