Page 20 of Forever Broken
Have to get him warm or my blood will overwhelm him. Laurent gathered the wolf’s muscular form close to his own but without effect. Paul still shivered and shook. Our clothes are in the way. Once he realized it, he moved to remedy the situation immediately.
Shrugging out of the designer shirt and slacks he had on, he turned his attention to Paul’s clothing. He’d gotten the white mesh shirt off and was busy skinning the baggy blue jeans down Paul’s muscular legs when the dark blue eyes fluttered open again.
“Why’re you n-naked? What’re…y-you d-doing?” Paul whispered in a hoarse, uncertain voice. “Told you I’m n-not g-gay.” “I am simply warming you up. Come.” Hoping he was doing the right thing, Laurent finished stripping the other man and then covered Paul’s body with his own.
He bit his lip, drawing blood at the pleasure of the first contact. Chest to chest and cock to cock their bodies seemed made to fit together. Despite his shivering and his many protests about not being gay, Paul was still hard. Laurent could feel the wolf’s thick cock nestled against his own erect shaft as he pulled Paul close to warm him. Then he pressed his throat to Paul’s mouth. “Drink.”
“W-what?” Paul sounded confused, his lips trembling against Laurent’s neck.
Laurent pulled back and looked at him. “You must drink from me, mon amour. I had to take too much of your blood when I drew out the poison. You must take some of mine in return or you will surely die.”
Paul frowned. “Won’t that…make me…vamp?”
“Not unless we continue to exchange blood on a regular basis,” Laurent said, hoping he was right. Usually it took more than one exchange to turn someone but there had been cases… He pushed the thought out of his mind. Right now he had to save Paul, no matter the consequences. “You must drink,” he urged, stroking the other man’s face.
“Shouldn’t…” But the look of stubborn refusal was fading from Paul’s face to be replaced by one of uncertainty.
“Yes, you should,” Laurent told him firmly. Paul was beginning to warm beneath him and his shivering had stopped but his lips were still tinged with blue. “Come,” he urged. “It won’t be so bad. A few mouthfuls should restore you.”
“How though? Don’t…don’t have fangs like you.”
Laurent realized that the other man was worried about hurting him and he felt a rush of affection for the wolf. “Just bite down hard on my neck, mon amour. Don’t worry—I like a little pain with my pleasure.” He nestled closer to Paul and pressed his throat to the were’s lips again. Gods, he was so hard it seemed he would soon explode!
The sharing of blood was an intimate act and the fact that they were both naked and pressed together with Paul’s hard cock rubbing against his own made it doubly enjoyable.
“I’ll…try, I guess.” Paul still sounded uncertain but then Laurent felt something warm and wet caressing his neck. His tongue—gods, he’s licking me. The realization was almost too much for him. He felt his cock surge and he pressed even closer to the naked man beneath him. Then Paul bit—a sharp, stabbing pain coupled with a bolt of pure erotic pleasure and Laurent could think of nothing else but the other man’s teeth in his throat.
Chapter Six
A warm taste like sweet copper and cinnamon filled Paul’s mouth as his teeth pierced the vampire’s pale skin. It was familiar—he’d tasted blood on his first hunt at the age of thirteen, after all—but foreign at the same time. Dios, so good! Incredible! The vampire’s blood was like ambrosia—like the sweetest, best, most addictive liquor Paul had ever tasted in his life. With it came a surge of power and desire and a single word entered his brain… mine.
Growling possessively, he locked his arms around the slender but muscular form and pulled the vamp even closer. He could feel their cocks sliding together, lubricated by lust and need as well as a thin layer of precum that leaked from both of them. Not gay, his mind chanted. Not gay. Just…doing this to heal me. That’s all. He hung on to that thought as he continued to suck at the vamp’s throat. But no matter what he told himself he couldn’t convince his cock that he wasn’t having the time of his life.
It wasn’t just the feel of another man’s body against his—there was something else.
Something about the way Laurent offered himself, the submissive gesture of baring his throat for Paul’s teeth that drove him over the edge. He’d seen it in the past when other wolves took a female—the way the baring of a slender, white throat would drive the mating wolf into a frenzy of fuck-lust. But he’d never experienced it himself—until now.
As the warm blood flowed down his throat he felt his strength returning and desire surged through him. With a sudden movement he rolled them over so that he was on top of the vampire with his mouth still clamped to the pale throat. Laurent offered no objections to the new position. In fact, he moaned and pulled Paul closer, wrapping his legs around Paul’s hips and pressing up with his pelvis to deepen their connection.