Page 41 of Forever Broken
Laurent nodded. “Of course not.”
“All right then.” Paul stepped out of his jeans, pushing his shoes and socks off along with them. He was nude and his shaft was already half hard—a sight that Laurent was careful not to stare at. “Sorry.” Paul’s voice was gruff with embarrassment.
“I, uh, usually go commando.”
“It’s all right.” Laurent patted the bed beside him hopefully. “Please.”
“Yeah, fine.” Paul settled himself carefully at the top of the bed, leaning back against the headboard. “Can you, uh, reach me?”
“Yes.” The warm, wild scent was filling his senses again and with it, Laurent found a small measure of strength. He felt like a man in the desert crawling toward a small oasis but he managed to position himself between Paul’s spread legs with only a little clumsy maneuvering. Hovering over the were’s inner thigh, he opened his mouth and felt his fangs slide completely into place.
“Uh, is this gonna hurt?” Paul was eyeing his fangs warily. “I mean, the first time I was so out of it.”
“No pain,” Laurent promised him. His vampiric senses were working, whispering of the rich femoral artery pulsing deep beneath the surface of Paul’s tanned skin. “Only pleasure.” “Okay, only—”
Laurent bit.
“Madre de Dios!” The words were ripped from him as Laurent’s fangs pierced his skin. Paul had expected it to be painful—those fangs looked fucking sharp and he’d never liked shots. What he hadn’t expected was the jolt of pure pleasure, like a lightning strike to his cock.
He was suddenly achingly hard, throbbing with need, his back arching, his hands gripping the cheap polyester bedspread on either side of him as the sensation went on and on. God, he couldn’t take much more of this or he was going to come…going to come so hard… But he didn’t. Every time he thought he was going to lose it he couldn’t—he just hovered right there on the wickedly sharp edge of desire, unable to release. He was dimly aware of the soft sucking sounds and the pulling sensation as Laurent drank from his thigh and was even more focused on the feel of the vampire’s cheek rubbing against his cock. But all of that took a backseat to the enormous teasing wave of pleasure that coursed through him like an electrical current and yet wouldn’t let him come.
“Dios, Laurent!” he gasped. “Please! What the fuck are you doing to me?”
The vampire raised his head at last. “Only taking what you offered, mon amour.”
The pleasure began to fade the minute his fangs left Paul’s thigh, leaving him with an aching hard-on. But at least he no longer felt he was being electrocuted by desire.
“Are you done?” Paul shakily ran a hand through his hair. “Because that is fucking intense, man. I don’t know how much more I can take.”
Laurent licked his lips in a distractingly sensual gesture. “I am well satisfied. I thank you.”
“Welcome.” For some reason Paul couldn’t stop looking at the other man. In the dimness of the hotel room, with all the shades drawn, the vampire seemed to glow with an inner light that was almost pearlescent. His pale green eyes reminded Paul of two full moons and his mouth was so red…so inviting. Paul’s cock throbbed. God, he was so hard he hurt. “Laurent,” he heard himself saying. “Remember…uh, remember when you said you wanted to, you know, suck me?”
The vampire gave him a slow, lazy smile that made Paul’s stomach flip. “But of course, mon amour. And I still do.”
“You do?” Paul asked stupidly. He felt like he couldn’t think straight—probably because all the blood in his body had rushed from his brain to his cock.
“On one condition.” Laurent looked suddenly serious. “I want you to watch me.
Watch me take your cock in my mouth. Watch me suck you and lick you. Watch me swallow every last drop of your cum and know that it is me—another man and a vampire—who is giving you this pleasure. I will not have you pretending away the truth.”
For a moment Paul hesitated. Truth be told, closing his eyes and pretending, or at least not thinking about it, was exactly what he had been planning to do. But a part of him—a part he’d buried so deeply it almost never came out—liked the idea of watching. Shouldn’t do this—shouldn’t want this, warned the little voice in his brain but he was tired of listening to that little voice. Tired of being controlled by it. “All right,”
he said at last. “But you get naked too. Not that I want to do…anything else. But if I’m going to watch—”
“You want to see the whole thing,” Laurent finished for him. “Of course, mon amour.” He stood gracefully and began to strip.
Paul wasn’t sure if it was the sheltering dimness of the room or the blood the vampire had ingested but Laurent had shed his clumsy weakness as easily as he now shed his bulky outer coat and designer clothing. Dios, he’s amazing. So fucking hot. The thought came unbidden as he allowed himself to admire the other man’s body.