Page 44 of Forever Broken
Hours went past as the sun edged past its zenith and began to travel westward in the sky. Laurent felt its bright fire passing but he spent the time safe in bed, studying his wolf’s features. Paul looked so peaceful in repose and his body fit perfectly against Laurent’s—as though they were made to be together. Just the feel of the hard, muscular form against his own, not to mention the delicious, lingering taste of Paul’s cum on his tongue, was enough to have Laurent hard and aching. But he made no move to take care of himself—pleasure, like sleep, could wait. For now all he wanted was to be close to Paul. Who knew when the were would allow such intimacy again? He may be sorry when he wakes up, Laurent acknowledged to himself ruefully. He may even be angry again.
I must be prepared for any eventuality.
But when Paul finally opened his eyes they were filled with curiosity, not anger.
“Where am I?” He frowned and shifted against Laurent, looking up in obvious confusion.
“In a hotel room in, as I believe you called it, ‘some dumbfuck town in South Carolina’.” Laurent gave him a small smile. “You brought me here when I was nearly dead to get me out of the sun. Do you remember?”
“Oh yeah. After I pounded those fucking rednecks.” Paul sat up, rubbing his face.
Laurent missed the physical contact between them at once but at least the were didn’t immediately move to the other side of the bed.
“You okay now?” Paul asked.
“More than okay.” Laurent eyed him carefully. “Are you? Do you remember everything?” Paul sighed. “So I guess you, uh, blowing me wasn’t a dream, huh?”
Laurent shook his head. “Does that upset you?”
“I know it should.” Paul ran a hand over his spiky blond hair. “I mean, it’s the worst thing that can happen in the pack and my old man would probably have a fucking convulsion and die if he knew but…”
“But neither your pack nor your father are here,” Laurent pointed out softly. “It is only us—you and me, Paul. Can we keep it that way, do you think?”
“I don’t know.” Paul frowned. “I knew something like this was going to happen if I let you drink from me again. Just having you close…it’s too much fucking temptation.”
“And yet you let me drink anyway.” Laurent shifted a little closer so that their shoulders were rubbing together. “Thank you for saving my life.”
“I couldn’t let you die.” Paul turned to Laurent and tentatively, tenderly, cupped his cheek. “I couldn’t.”
“Many would have,” Laurent pointed out, nuzzling against his wolf’s hand. Paul’s palm was warm and calloused and comforting. “Your people hate mine with a passion.”
“I know—weres hate vamps and vamps hate weres. But you’re not just a vamp—I can’t see you like that somehow.” Paul sounded bewildered. “You’re just you…just Laurent. And I couldn’t let you go.”
“I am glad,” Laurent breathed. They were closer now and he couldn’t take his eyes off Paul’s full pink mouth. “Paul,” he murmured. “May I kiss you?”
Indecision warred with desire on the were’s chiseled features. “We shouldn’t.
Won’t be able to stop with a fucking kiss and you know it.”
“I swear I will not do anything you do not wish me to do. I am able to stop.”
“That’s the problem—what if I don’t want you to stop?” Paul’s eyes were flickering from deep blue to wolf gold. “What if I want to do more than kiss?”
“Do you wish me to suck you again? I will do so, gladly.”
“Yeah, I know you would. But it hardly seems fair.” Paul nodded between Laurent’s legs where his slender shaft was hard and ready. “I’m not usually the kind of guy who takes without giving.”
Laurent’s breath caught in his chest. “What exactly are you proposing?”
“I don’t know.” Slowly Paul let his hand slide from Laurent’s cheek to his chest.
And then lower—his fingers trailed in a slow, tentative dance to rest on Laurent’s thigh, right by his cock. “What’s it like?” he asked, his voice so low Laurent could barely hear him.
“What is what like, mon amour?”
“Sucking another guy’s cock. What does it feel like?” Paul looked up at him. “What does it taste like?” “It is most pleasurable,” Laurent said honestly. “The warmth of another male body against your own, the slide and push of a thick shaft between your lips. The feeling of power you get from giving so much pleasure.”
Paul smiled. “You make it sound like you’re the one on top when you’re doing that…when you’re sucking me.”
Laurent arched an eyebrow at him. “In a way I am. I control your pleasure, I can choose to tease you and draw the experience out indefinitely or bring you quickly to climax. I am in control and you are only ‘along for the ride’ as you Americans put it.”