Page 50 of Forever Broken
“It’s so bright inside,” Laurent remarked, breaking his train of thought. “From the outside the entire house looks dark and deserted.”
“I have it warded by one of the local witches.” Nana led them deeper into the house, bypassing several large, finely furnished rooms, and finally into a small sitting room. “It costs me a pretty penny but it’s worth it not to be bothered by the humans.”
“Ah yes, the bothersome humans.” Laurent appeared to be trying to smother a smile. “It seems to me you were one of them not so very long ago.”
“Indeed I was, dear boy. But I was more than happy to shuffle off my mortal coil when your father offered. I only wish he would have let me say goodbye to you.” She patted Laurent’s cheek and settled herself in a high, wingback chair that appeared to be made for someone much larger. “Why don’t you sit down, the both of you, and tell me why you’re really here. It’s not simply to see your old nurse—of that I am certain.” She gestured to a red brocade sofa with feet carved like a lion’s paws across from her.
Laurent sat down at once and Paul settled beside him uncomfortably.
“You are correct in thinking that this is more than a social call, Nana, although I am happier to see you than I can say,” Laurent said once they were settled. “You see, Paul and I met by chance and felt an immediate connection—wouldn’t you say?” He turned to Paul.
“I guess so.” It felt funny to admit having a connection to another guy but it was true. “It, uh…” Paul cleared his throat. “It felt like someone had shoved a lightning rod down my spine. Just instant…” He waved his hand uncertainly, searching for the right word.
“Attraction, need, desire,” Laurent supplied eagerly. “I knew at once he was the one I had been searching for—the one you told me I would find all those years ago, Nana.”
“Indeed, and I am more than happy for you, Laurent.” She cocked her head to one side, studying them both in a strangely birdlike gesture. “But what do your dear mother and father think of this? They were never very lenient in matters of the heart as I recall.
I begged with tears in my eyes to be allowed to say goodbye to you and your father denied the request. I cannot imagine he would be very happy about you finding love outside your people.”
“You are right,” Laurent acknowledged quietly. “He…Nana, he has decided that I must take a wife in two weeks’ time.”
“What? ” Paul turned to stare at him. “What the hell are you talking about? You’re going to be married in two weeks to some girl? Why didn’t you tell me this earlier?”
Laurent looked down at his hands. “I didn’t know if you would care, mon amour.
And…it seemed yet another obstacle to us being together. I did not want to discourage you from forming an attachment to me.”
Paul snorted. “Dios, what’s one more obstacle? It’s already bad enough that you’re a vamp and I’m a were. Plus the fact that you’re gay and I’m, uh…” He coughed, feeling his cheeks go hot.
“You are not a lover of men?” Nana frowned at him.
“Not, uh…entirely.” Paul shifted uncomfortably. “Look, could we just move on?
We were talking about Laurent getting married.” He tried to say the words casually but the idea of the man sitting beside him actually marrying someone else made him feel sick inside. It was a ridiculous reaction and he knew it—after all, he and Laurent would have to break off their relationship after they went back to Miami anyway so what should it matter if Laurent got married to someone else? Still, he didn’t like the idea.
Not one fucking bit.
“My father feels that since I have come of age, it is time he passed the title of viscount on to me,” Laurent explained. “With the title, of course, comes many responsibilities, one of which is to take a wife and father an heir. I tried to explain to him that I had found my Coeur de Sang but he dismissed the idea as ridiculous and ordered me not to speak of it again.”
“And did you tell him that your Heart’s Blood was a wolf?” Nana raised one skinny gray eyebrow.
Laurent looked away. “I did not dare. You know how he would react, Nana.”
“Probably the same way my old man would act if he found out I was with a vamp—not to mention another guy,” Paul said morosely. “My father would have no problem with your sex—he is a lover of men himself.
But I fear that even if you were not a wolf he still would not think you a suitable companion for me.”
“What? Why not?” Paul frowned.
“My dear boy,” Nana leaned forward and patted Paul’s knee. “Laurent is royalty.