Page 54 of Forever Broken
“Something you must do whether you wish to or not. Until we complete the bond, neither of us will be fully in control of our lives.”
“That’s true,” Paul acknowledged grudgingly. “And I won’t be able to shift.”
“That as well.” Laurent nodded.
Paul looked up. “When you put it that way, I really have no choice but to do this.” “None,” Laurent agreed. He was relieved to see some of the worry leaving Paul’s face and feel the tense muscles in his back loosening up. He just needed an excuse, he thought sadly. An excuse to be able to love me. To make love to me.
“Yeah, I need an excuse, all right.” Paul turned toward him and cupped his cheek.
He pulled Laurent in for a kiss that was both rough and tender before letting him go and staring into his eyes. “You’d need an excuse too if you were raised like I was.
There’s nothing worse than being a faggot where I come from— nothing. To admit I want to do this…” He kissed Laurent again, more deeply this time. “With another guy…to admit I want to do even more…” He broke off, shaking his head but Laurent could hear the faint echo of his thoughts through their incomplete bond. It’s wrong. So fucking wrong.
“It’s not wrong, mon amour, ” he said and returned Paul’s kiss gently. He could feel the other man’s unwilling pleasure at the intimate gesture. His hunger for more. “But I understand that it is difficult for you to get over the teachings of a lifetime in a few days.”
“Yeah, well…” Paul looked down at his hands, which were resting on Laurent’s knees. “Like you said, I’ve got no choice in the matter. We’ve got to do it.”
“We do indeed.” Laurent nuzzled his cheek, inhaling the musky scent of warm fur and leather.
“All right then.” Paul looked up at him, meeting his eyes. “But I want one thing clear—we’re completing the bond so we can break it. As soon as we do this we have to un do it. Understand?”
Laurent felt like someone was squeezing his heart in a vise. “If…if that is what you truly wish, mon amour. But I wish you would give it at least a little time.”
“Why, so I can reconsider? No.” Paul’s voice was harsh even though his eyes were filled with pain. “The longer we wait, the harder it’s gonna be. The minute we finish we’ve got to rip this thing out by the roots. It’s the only way.”
Laurent bowed his head. “I will abide by any decision you make. Do you wish to wait until tomorrow night to complete the bond? The dawn is only an hour or so away.”
“No.” Paul’s voice was thick and his hands tightened on Laurent’s knees. “Now— let’s do it now. No waiting.”
“As you wish.” Laurent leaned forward and brushed his lips against Paul’s throat.
“How do you want me?”
Paul groaned. “Dios, when you talk like that… You’re not going to make this easy for me, are you?”
“Why should I?” Laurent kissed him again. He could feel the erratic beat of Paul’s pulse, could almost taste the other man’s desire in the air.
“Fine, if that’s the way you want to play.” Paul grabbed his shoulders and pushed him down onto the white lace bedspread. “But before we get started, explain it again.” “There must be penetration as I drink from you.” Laurent writhed under the heavy, muscular body pinning him to the bed. They were equal in strength but it was a pleasure sometimes to allow oneself to be restrained. He wondered if Paul would ever learn that pleasure—he doubted it.
“Penetration. Right.” Paul nodded. “So I have to fuck you while you bite me, right?
Because if you say it has to go the other way, it’s fucking off.”
“So you will consent to enter me but deny me the same privilege?” Laurent raised an eyebrow at him.
Paul frowned. “Look, what we already did is bad enough. I mean, kissing and rubbing and sucking is one thing. Actually fucking another guy…that’s the limit. As far as I go. There’s no way I’m going to let another guy fuck me. It’s too much. Too far.”
“Even if the other man is me?” Though he was pinned to the bed, Laurent lifted his head and nipped suggestively at Paul’s full lower lip. “Would you not open yourself for my cock, mon amour?”
“Never.” Paul’s eyes were hard. “So don’t even think about it, Laurent.”
Laurent sighed. “Well, fortunately for us, it is not necessary. We can complete the bond just as well the other way.”
“That’s good.” Paul lowered his head and kissed him hard. “Then let’s fucking get to it.”
“Of course, if you are so eager to get it over with.” Laurent rolled his hips up, pressing the hard ridge of his cock against Paul’s groin. He could feel the other man’s shaft, as eager and rigid as his own. As they ground together, Paul closed his eyes and let out a ragged groan.