Page 58 of Forever Broken
“Bite me, Laurent. Fucking do it,” he rasped, aware that he was right on the edge.
Laurent didn’t have to be asked twice. Baring his fangs, he sank them deep into Paul’s throat and three things happened at once.
First Paul felt the sharp prick of fangs and then the sweet rush of pleasure that always accompanied letting Laurent drink from him. Second, he felt the familiar tightness in his balls and knew he was about to come harder than he ever had in his entire life. Third, he felt the other man’s slender shaft pulsing in his hand and then a drenching wave of pleasure washed over him as he and Laurent came together.
And then a fourth thing happened.
Out of the shining moment of lust and love and desire and need, Paul felt something take root and grow inside him. It was as though someone had planted a tree—a tree with golden branches and iron roots—deep in the most inside corner of his heart. And the strangest thing was, he could feel the same kind of tree taking root inside Laurent at the exact same time. Had he thought it was weird to feel someone else’s emotions? It was twice as strange to feel someone else’s body.
Suddenly he was flooded with sensations that had to be Laurent’s. He could feel a warm, rough hand gripping his cock and even stranger, a thick something invading him down below. That’s my cock inside him, he realized in wonder. I’m feeling what it’s like to be fucked. The thought sent a surge that was equal parts lust and discomfort through him, filling him with confusion. Weird…I don’t really like it…do I?
Relax. The voice in his brain was very definitely not his own and Paul looked down to see Laurent looking back up at him. The vampire’s eyes were shining and there was a feeling of caution and worry coming from him, as well as a depth of love that Paul was sure he didn’t deserve. Of course you deserve it, whispered Laurent in his brain. Why are you so quick to think yourself unworthy?
Because I can’t deal with this. Feeling overwhelmed, Paul pulled out and scrambled away, jumping off the bed to put some distance between himself and Laurent.
“It’s all right, Paul…all right.” Laurent sat up and held out a hand.
“No, it’s not fucking all right. I can feel you. I mean, not just your emotions—I can feel what you feel. Physically.” Paul watched as Laurent ran a hand through his hair and shivered as he felt the whisper of fingers across his own scalp at the motion. “This is too fucking weird, man—we need to get rid of this thing right now.” Pull it out—have to pull it out. Closing his eyes, he felt around inside himself for the strange golden tree or bond or whatever the hell you wanted to call it. Should he picture himself grabbing it and yanking or—?
Paul opened his eyes to see Laurent standing right in front of him, a look of pleading in his pale green eyes. “Why should we wait? I thought we agreed to cut the bond as soon as we completed it.”
“But it’s not really completed yet,” Laurent pleaded. “We are not in alignment. We need to properly position the bond before you can think of severing it.”
“What do we have to do to get aligned? How long does it take? And will it involve me feeling you…uh, feeling what you feel?” Paul couldn’t think of a good way to describe it but Laurent seemed to understand what he meant.
“After we’re aligned you will be able to control that aspect of our bond—both of us will. Just give me a moment before you do anything drastic, Paul. I promise I will make it worth your while.”
“Well…all right.” Reluctantly, Paul allowed himself to be led back to the bed. He sat across from Laurent with his back against the headboard and gave the vampire an expectant look. “Okay, I’m waiting.”
“Good.” Laurent took a deep breath. “We’ll do this slowly and you must be patient, mon amour. Though I know something about this process, actually having a blood bond is new to me as well.”
“So you’ve never done this with anyone else? Any other guy?” Paul cocked an eyebrow at him.
Laurent shook his head solemnly. “I have been waiting. Waiting and hoping to find you—my Coeur de Sang. ”
“Well, you found me and you’ve got me,” Paul muttered. “At least for now.” And I intend to keep you if I can. The thought came through their newly completed link loud and clear and Paul wondered if Laurent had meant for him to hear it. He very nearly tried to rip the bond out again but the look on the other man’s face stopped him.
There was a yearning in Laurent’s eyes, a tenderness that Paul had never had directed at him before by anyone. Anyone who loved him that much—even if he didn’t deserve it—should get at least a chance. Thank you, mon amour, whispered the voice in his brain and this time he knew Laurent had sent him the thought deliberately.